Transitions and Endings
It is the last Sunday for me on campus as a Summer Distance student at the Atlantic School of Theology. I must explain my absence for the past 2 weeks. I have been made aware of all that has happened since I have been away and the losses of so many. I wanted to leave the space for all of you to be able to process through, as best as you were able with those support networks around you, the grief that you have been feeling and so last week I made the decision to not post. I began this summer being told that this would be a year of transitions, and I looked at all the transitions that would be coming in my own life, but it is sometimes easy to get caught in one’s own life, especially when away. So, I wanted to express my lament at not being able to be present with you all as you have been working through your own transitions in your own lives. Know that you have all been in my thoughts and prayers each and every day.
So, this summer is almost done and I have successfully completed 2 of 3 classes so far and I don’t see any issue with my last class. I am have now completed 26 out of 30 required credits. I suppose the most surprising thing is the speed with which these 5 years have come and gone. To be truly honest it does, in many ways, seem like it was just yesterday that I began this process. Now I understand that there were many things happening for me that first year that made it such an impactful time for me to go. I came down here the first year with the full knowledge that my father would most likely pass while I was away. He did! What that has meant for me is that this place, the Atlantic School of Theology, is intimately tied to the death of my father, and it is the place where I have been as the anniversary of his death has come and gone for the last 3 years. Transitions, true enough.
I am looking forward to coming home. To see my family, both at home and my extended family of faith. This journey could not have been possible if it had not been for the love and support of you all. I realize how blessed I am to be where I am, travelling with those with whom I walk. You have all been my teachers, my guides, my companions. Words can never express the depth of my gratitude to you all for everything that you have done these last number of years.
So, on this last Sunday of summer school, I wish the peace and blessings of God on each and everyone of you.
Categories: General News, Patrick