Calling all Gardeners!

It’s time for our third annual 

WPUC July Virtual Garden Tour!

Submit photos of your favourite spots in your garden (or a garden you’ve visited) to be part of a slide show.  (Please limit your photos to no more than 5 per location!)

Send your photos to:

Please include:

– name of whose garden it is (first names are fine)

– location of the garden – home, city, park, etc.

Your photos can include:  whole garden, close-ups, beautiful flowers, garden features, amazing containers, delicious looking veggies, garden wildlife, etc.

Tip #1:  The best light to showcase your garden is usually morning/evening or a cloudy day!

Tip #2: Photos work best in a horizontal (landscape) orientation so turn your phone sideways if you can!

Tip #3:  Move closer to the flower(s) rather than zooming in with your phone to get a clearer photo.

Deadline to send in photos is Sunday, July 31.

Friends and family are welcome to join in, too!

For some inspiration and to see the videos from the 2020 and 2021 Garden Tours, click on the WPUC YouTube Channel link near the bottom of the screen to get to our Youtube channel. Then click Playlists, WPUC Garden Tours and then Play All.  Enjoy!

Categories: General News