Your Voice is Needed – Community of Faith Profile Committee!

Community of Faith Profile Committee
In starting the process to find a new minister, we need to form a committee to write a Community of Faith Profile. This first step must be completed and approved before we can appoint a search committee.
The Community of Faith Profile consists of 3 parts;
the Living Faith Story – which describes who we are as a community of faith, and what we hope to do in the future,
the financial viability review (generally filled out by the Finance Committee),
and the job description for the ministry position.
We are looking for a variety of people who are committed to the success of Windsor Park United Church to share their understandings of the life, work and hopes for Windsor Park United. If you or someone you know would be interested in being a part of this Community of Faith Profile Committee, please contact the office at 204-256-8792. We need to have the committee set by February 9 in order to complete the training and writing of the profile by the end of February.
Thank you for helping as we move forward into the next chapter of Windsor Park United Church!
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