When Disciples Were Terrified at the Strength of the Storm

We join together in prayer:

when your disciples were terrified
at the strength of the storm,
worried that their boat might capsize,
you saw their fear, and said to the wind,
“Be still.”

Holy One,
we are terrified, again,
but this time by the strength of fire in the forests,
fire in the bush;
worried that its force will displace and destroy
all the creatures of the land and the air,
including us.

We ask that you would speak your words of peace,
that cool temperatures,
steady rains,
and still air,
would calm these blazes.

We pray for the safety of all who are on the fire lines,
and for wisdom for those making the decisions.

We pray for cool heads in the face of evacuation,
and open doors of hospitality
for all who need shelter.

We pray for the health and well-being
of all your world, Creator—
help us to be sustainers and good stewards
of the land and all that lives in it.
Help us to change,
for the healing of all creation.

May it be so.
May it be so.

—A prayer for those affected by wildfires, by the Right Rev. Richard Bott. Today we pray for all those affected by fires world-wide, but especially for those fleeing the Northwest Territories over the next days, those dealing with ongoing fire challenges in British Columbia, as well as for those displaced by fire and facing loss of their loved ones and culture in Maui.
Originally posted on Facebook during his time as moderator.  Source:  United Church of Canada website 

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