Faith in Action – December 6, 2023

THINKING OF YOU BASKETS – While many people look forward to Christmas, others find this time of year very challenging. They may be dealing with the loss of a loved one, coping with illness, or facing other life changing circumstances. In an effort to reach out in support  to these friends and neighbours, we are planning to prepare and deliver Thinking of You baskets again this year.

If you are interested in this project, you can help by donating small items to be included in the baskets (such as candy, single serving portions of hot chocolate or soup mix, individually packaged tea bags, nut free home baking, mandarin oranges, etc.). Items can be dropped off at the office during regular hours.

Another way to help is to donate some of your time to pack and/or deliver the baskets. Packing will be done after the church service this Sunday, December 10th in the North Room downstairs. Deliveries to recipients will be made later that afternoon or during the following week at a time convenient to both the recipient and the delivery person. Please contact Carol Belsham if you are willing and able to participate in this project.

CHRISTMAS HAMPER SEASON – Our Outreach Council is planning to prepare and deliver  Christmas Hampers for 10 families/individuals this year.  If you are interested in supporting this project, you can help by doing any of the following:

  • wrap gifts and/or pack hampers at WPUC on Monday, December 11th.
  • enlist the aid of a trusty sidekick to help you deliver a hamper during the week of Dec. 11-16th at a time that suits your schedule
  • make a donation to offset the cost of the project.  Place your donation in an envelope along with a note indicating the # of your offering envelope and the amount you are donating.  Please label the envelope “CHRISTMAS HAMPERS” and place it in the offering plate or drop it off in the office during the week.

Thank you in advance for helping us share our gifts with others far and near.  It is a time-honoured tradition at WPUC and a fitting way to share the spirit of the season with our neighbours!

You are invited to sing with the choir for our Christmas Eve service.  The practice will be on Thursday, December 21 from 7:30-9 p.m. and the service is at 6 p.m. on Sunday, December 24.  All welcome!


MITTEN TREE – The Annual Mitten Tree is set up at the church!  We invite you to donate new or gently-used winter accessories for children and teens.
Needed items include:  mittens, gloves, scarves, neck-warmers, socks, tuques and ear muffs.
In early January, all donations will be gathered and delivered to Rossbrook House and Splash Day Care for distribution to children in need.

PROPERTY COMMITTEE – Are you able to do small repairs, and general What are Tools? - Twinklmaintenance? Our property committee could use a hand!  We would love to develop a list of people who can help out with odd jobs or have specialized skills like electrical or wood-working.  Call the office if you can help!

KITCHEN CLEANERS – We would like to have a list of volunteers that would be willing to come and help clean the two kitchens when needed.  Please contact Alana or the church office if you can help!

FOOD CUPBOARD – Our food cupboard can always use a little extra, especially at this time of year.  Items appreciated are peanutTake Action — Community Food Pantry butter, soup, juice boxes, canned tuna, canned chicken, canned ham, pasta, pasta sauces, coffee, canned beans, canned vegetables, instant potatoes, granola bars, etc.

COOKIE BAKERS for West Broadway Community Ministry Meals – A big “THANK YOU” to those who have been bringing in cookies for WBCM! There is an ongoing need for cookies for meals that we will be preparing and delivering to the West Broadway soup kitchen in the coming months. The guests who come to the site for an evening meal are especially fond of homemade treats—which they seldom get. If you can bake and donate a few dozen cookies of any kind (at any time that suites your schedule), please label the package “FOR WEST BROADWAY” and bring your donation to the church during office hours or before Sunday worship at the church. Gwen or Sue will gratefully accept your donation and store it in the freezer until the next meal preparation/delivery day. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

Telephone/Visiting buddies – Pastoral care is a vital role in the life and work of the church.  We could use a few more people to help in this area.  If you would like to be a part of the group calling or visiting others in the congregation, please let the office know.  We would love to have people who can check in on those who have had surgery or are feeling under the weather!  We also have an older church member who is unable to attend church but would enjoy photos and “thinking of you” cards and notes.  If you would like to drop off a card, please contact the office for more information!

Craft Sale – Thank you to everyone who helped with and supported the Craft Sale this year!

Dressing the Sanctuary – Thank you to Carol & Bill Belsham and Catherine Smallwood for helping to get the sanctuary set up for the Advent season! Also, thank you to U.C.W. Unit 5 for the lovely poinsettia for the sanctuary!


Cookie Walk – Thank you to the organizers, bakers, workers and supporters of the Cookie Walk for all their help in making this year a Sell Out, with $2000 being made!!  Special thanks to Deanna Kernaghan for heading the team again this year!








After church coffee – Thank you to those who have hosted coffee time after church and also to those who have donated treats and helped out with serving!  Also, a big thank you to everyone who helped with clean-up last Sunday by putting away a chair or table.  Many hands make light work!

Offering counters – Thank you to those who continue to answer this call!  Reminder to sign-up for the weeks you would like to count.  Sign-up sheets are by the office.

Greeters  & Liturgists – Thank you to everyone who has welcomed people to church on Sunday mornings in the role of greeter and to those who are on our list of liturgists to help lead worship on Sunday morning!

“Pitch-in Crew” – The “Pitch-in crew” continues to be active!  From tidying and washing-up to clearing snow off the steps and walkway, we continue to notice lots of “little things” being done around the church.  Thank you! You are the unsung heroes of Windsor Park United Church!

Faith Beyond Our Walls:

From the United Church of Canada:  To learn more about what you can do regarding the Humanitarian Crisis in the Middle East, please visit:

Climate Crisis Is Also a Spiritual Crisis:  To learn more about the United Church of Canada virtual delegation to COP28, please visit:


Categories: General News