Faith in Action – June 26, 2024

Current Needs:

Pastoral Care Group – If you are aware of anyone from our church community who might benefit from Pastoral Care support, you can speak with Sue Turley  ( or 204-256-8792) to share discreetly.  If you have some time in your schedule to connect with a shut-in or hospitalized individual from our church community by phone or in person, please reach out to Pat Lumsden ( or 204- 254-6301) for more information.
*Please note that during the summer, the answering machine will still be monitored even if the office is closed.  

COOKIE BAKERS for West Broadway Community Ministry Meals – “THANK YOU” for your ongoing support in bringing in cookies for WBCM!  If you can bake and donate cookies for the July lunch, please label the package “FOR WEST BROADWAY” and bring your donation to the church on Sunday June 30 (10 a.m.-noon) or on July 29 between 10 and 11 a.m.  Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!

School Supplies  – During the month of August, we will be again be collecting school supplies for schools in need.  If you notice a good sale, pick up your supplies in July! School supplies can be dropped off at the church on Sunday mornings starting August 4, Wednesday afternoons during the Holy Grounds Café, or during office hours, starting August 19.  Supplies will be shared with Frontenac and Archwood Schools in September!

The most useful items are:

–  Pencil cases
– Re-usable lunch bags
–  Duotangs – 3 prong
– Packages of looseleaf
– Pencils
– Student scissors
– Crayola crayons
– Crayola markers – thick and thin
– Crayola pencil crayons
– Hilroy scribblers
– Glue sticks
– New back packs
–  Boxes of Kleenex
–  New binders
– New children’s running shoes

**New items only please!

Photos Needed!

5th Annual WPUC Virtual Garden Tour –
All are welcome to be a part of our 5th Annual Virtual Garden Tour!
Submit up to 5 photos of your favourite spots in your garden to be part of a slide show.  Visit other areas and submit up to 5 photos for each place you visit!
Send your photos to:
Deadline for photo submissions is July 30.
Family, friends and neighbours are welcome to participate as well. Watch for the Garden Tour Video to be posted at the beginning of August!


Indigenous veterans go from 'forgotten soldiers' to Canadian heroes | paNOW



Early Notice of Photos Needed for Remembrance Day service
– This year, as part of our Remembrance Day service, we will be having a slide show of people who served during the wars who are connected to the people of Windsor Park United Church.  Take the summer to sort through some of your old photos and share your story!  If you find a photo to include in the slide show, please send it to with a description of the person, their role, how they are related to you and anything else you’d like to share with us!

Thank You…

Greeters – Thank you to everyone who has served as a greeter this spring!  Your friendly welcome makes a big difference to new-comers, returning folk and regular members!

Coffee makers and clean-up crews – Special thank you to Maxine Pattle for her dedication to keeping the after church coffee time going.  Thank you as well to those who have taken a week (or two!) or helped supply goodies, or an extra pair of hands for the washing-up!

Liturgists – Thank you to our team of liturgists who help lead the service, befriend the pulpit supply people and keep things running smoothly each week! People who have helped lead worship since Easter are:  Sue Turley, Dorothy Read, Alana Davis, June Kaan, Caitlyn Trias, Howard Ashdown, John Lwiwski, Gwen Polak and Edna Erickson.

Singers – Thank you to all of our singers for their dedication and leadership during this year of transition!  Our Spring Singers have been: Sue Turley, Wendy Toews, Jam Calvez, Morag Fisher, Eleanor Lwiwski, John Lwiwski, Courtney Maertens, Amber Cottreau and Gloria Saindon.  Thank you!

Livestream & Tech – A special shout-out to Doug Waldron for his faithful dedication to getting our livestream up and running each week and trouble-shooting a variety of “technical difficulties!”

Church and Memorial Gardens– Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to water and take care of the church gardens over the summer and add beauty to our community!

Beyond Our Walls:

From Prairie to Pine Regional Council:

Prairie to Pine greatly welcomes the June 10 steps toward ensuring that the Prairie Green landfill will be searched, and that Mashkode Bizhiki’ikwe, Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran, as well as possibly other missing women, will be offered the dignity they should have received all along – as well as the justice of this ongoing violent targeting of Indigenous women, girls, and Two-Spirit people coming to an end.  Kairos Canada published A Prayer for MMIWG2S by Connor Sarazin.

From The Canadian Interfaith Conversation: Standing Together Against Hate Based on Religious Identity

The Canadian Interfaith Conversation has issued a statement on behalf of over 60 signatory faith traditions and institutions, including The Canadian Council of Churches, of which the United Church is a founding member.  The goal:  to present a common public position adopted by Canada’s faith communities, on combatting hate against and between our country’s religious communities.  Click here to read the statement in English. 

Anniversary News from the United Church of Canada!

The home page for all things UCC anniversary is at:

If you would like to receive Centennial Newsletter emails from the United Church of Canada, you can sign up at:

Categories: General News