Faith in Action – January 8, 2025 🎉

Special Congregational Meeting on Jan. 19 has been CANCELLED!




Worship Choir – Want to beat the winter “blahs,” have fun singing and meet some new people? It’s a great time to join the Worship Choir! Practices are on Thursdays from 7:45 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. starting January 9, 2025. Come sing with us! Also, special thanks to our Christmas Eve “Pop-up Choir” of Wendy, Bernice, Jam, Judy, Jessica and Laura!

Christmas Eve Service – A special thank you to everyone who helped with our “in-house” Christmas Eve service.  In addition to the leadership of Sue Turley, Alana Davis, Gwen Polak and the Christmas Eve Pop-up Choir, we had many helping hands to set up extra chairs, light candles in the Advent wreath and windows, and pass out cookies and candy canes after the service.  Thank you to the UCW Cookie Walk and Alana Davis for donating the cookies for the service!

Advent leadership – Thank you to everyone who helped with worship during the season of Advent!  Friendly greeters, liturgists and in-house worship leaders helped make the season meaningful.  Special thanks to Rev. Jeff Cook for leading us in worship on the four Sundays of Advent and the Sunday after Christmas!

“Curl Up With a Good Book” sale – Our next used book sale will be on Sunday, January 12th before and after church.  Bring some spare change and grab a book or two to enjoy through the month of January.

TIME FOR SOUP!  We are having another soup luncheon after-worship on Sunday, January 19, 2025 directly following the service.  The cost is $10.00 for a tasty lunch of soup, bun, pie, and beverage. Sign up in the narthex on Sunday.

CHRISTMAS HAMPER SEASON – THANK YOU! The Outreach Council would like to thank everyone heartily for donating resources, time, and “muscle” to ensure the success of the 2024 Christmas Hamper project. Working in conjunction with the Christmas Cheer Board, fourteen industrious elves wrapped gifts, signed cards, prepared bags of treats or fresh produce, and filled hampers for 10 single pensioners and 3 families.  Delivery teams of one, two or three braved the frigid temperatures to transport everything safely (including the eggs and the chickens…)

Your overwhelming support enabled us to share gifts, groceries, and good will with our neighbours in need. Both UCW units provided thoughtful gifts for the adults on our list. A new young friend brought in one of his birthday gifts to share with a child he may never meet.  A seamstress par excellence made quilts to include in each hamper. Nimble knitters supplied outerwear for some of the children. Several members or their children brought in items to be used as gifts.  We received a generous donation from Alpha Lodge Unit 92 in addition to the more-than-ample funds contributed by you, the members of WPUC.

Awestruck by the contents of their hampers, the recipients asked that you be given their sincere gratitude. The contact people at the Christmas Cheer Board recognized the church name and also extended their appreciation for the long-standing support you have provided over the years.  Nice teamwork once again, Friends!

In case you missed it, here is a short video of “Behind the Scenes” of hamper packing!

MITTEN TREE – During the month of December, our Mitten Tree was brightly decked with a variety of winter accessories. Mittens and gloves, scarves and neck-warmers, hats and tuques, as well as socks and slippers were draped over the branches or piled high beneath the tree. A hearty “THANK-YOU” to everyone who has been knitting, crocheting, or shopping to provide many children with warm, cozy accessories for the chilly days ahead. The time, talent and treasure invested in your “offerings” is amazing.

All of the donations received to date have been bagged (thanks for helping, Alana, Margaret and Leo).  Everything will be delivered to Rossbrook House and Splash Daycare in the coming week (before the warm weather returns…) Children who access/attend these facilities will be the recipients of your generous gifts. Bravo, everyone!

Emergency Food Cupboard – Our food cupboard can always use a little extra, especially during the colder months. This month our wish list includes: Take Action — Community Food Pantrypowdered milk, peanut butter, broth soups, instant coffee, crackers, cereal, pasta, pasta sauces, items that children can take to school for snacks., juice boxes, tuna, beans, muffin mixes, canned fruits and vegetables, cat and dog food.

Hearing Assists – Did you know that we have devices to amplify the Sunday service available to borrow from the office?  If this is something you might want to try, please call the church office during the week and we will have one reserved for you for Sunday morning!

Pastoral Care Group – If you are aware of anyone from our church community who might benefit from Pastoral Care support, you can speak with Sue Turley ( or 204-256-8792) to share discreetly.  If you have some time in your schedule to connect with a shut-in or hospitalized individual from our church community by phone or in person, please reach out to Pat Lumsden ( or 204- 254-6301) for more information.

After church coffee – Thank you to those who have hosted coffee time after church and also to those who have donated treats and helped out with serving!  Also, a big thank you to everyone who helps by putting away their chair after coffee time.

Offering counters – Thank you to those who continue to answer this call!  Reminder to sign-up for the weeks you would like to count.  Sign-up sheets are by the office.

Greeters  & Liturgists – Thank you to everyone who has welcomed people to church on Sunday mornings in the role of greeter and to those who are on our list of liturgists to help lead worship and work with the pulpit supply on Sunday morning! Thank you as well to those who welcome the children in attendance and help them find our activity packets.

Snow Angels | District of West Vancouver
Snow Angels
– If you arrive and notice that the steps need shoveling or sweeping, you are invited to help out those coming after you by doing a little light shoveling/sweeping.  The shovels are just inside the door.  Please do not shovel if, for health reasons, it is not advised for you to do so.  

Year in Review – If you missed the WPUC 2024 Year in Pictures video, please go to   and take a look!  It was a busy year – thank you to everyone who supported the life and work of Windsor Park United through their prayers and gifts of time, talent and treasure!

Categories: General News