A Time Called….Christmas Eve

The stores all close early.
There are only a few things left to do.
The children have to wait for just one more sleep.
At last, we can give ourselves over to the mystery of it all and let the carols, the church, and the story speak to us again.
What is the meaning of Christmas Eve?
No one knows when this service came into being. It is likely, however, that the last night of a preparation time for the festival of Christmas took on the character of a vigil, with people waiting together through the last hours before the coming of Christmas Day. We transition from the waiting and anticipation time of Advent into the celebration of Christmas – the birth of Jesus.
Finding Meaning in the Tradition
As we welcome the birth of Jesus, we welcome God’s light breaking into the world’s darkness. We light the final candle in the Advent wreath, the Christ candle, as a sign of Christ’s birth – the light coming into the world. The story of Jesus’ birth is retold and familiar carols are sung. We are once again reminded of God’s love, challenging the limits of possibility. Christmas Eve worship is a time to gather in church or at home with guests and family. We come together for many reasons – a desire to know God, curiosity, hope for a new beginning, wonder, nostalgia. The ancient Bible story speaks to each of us, telling us that with God, all things are possible.
(Source: Adapted from The Presbyterian Church in Canada 2007 – used with permission)
We hope you can join us tonight in person or via livestream for
Christmas Eve at Windsor Park United Church at 6 p.m.
*Windsor Park United Church is mask-friendly!
We ask that you please stay home if you are feeling under the weather, and view our service online!