A Time Called…Palm Sunday

For many, the procession of the palms re-enacted by Sunday school children is a vivid and lasting memory of this day. But once you know the whole story of the upcoming week, it is hard to see Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem except as set against his passion – betrayal, humiliation, and death.
Historical Roots of Palm/Passion Sunday
Since about the fourth century, the joy of Christ’s triumphal entry has been set in deliberate contrast to the passion narrative, which takes place throughout Holy Week, ending on Good Friday. Although churches name this Sunday in different ways, the connection between Christ’s glory and death keeps the full redemption story before us. This Sunday ends the season of Lent and marks the start of Holy Week.
Finding Meaning in the Tradition
On Palm Sunday we hear the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. We are moving toward the cross where we shall see what humans did, and shall wait for what God does. Holy week is a roller coaster of deep emotion and dramatic events. The palm branches honour Jesus, but soon another tree will bring death.
Join us on Sunday for Palm Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m.
Categories: General News
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