Announcements – Sunday, June 7, 2020


Windsor Park United Church seeks to be a welcoming community. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we nurture our faith and spiritual life by: worshipping and learning together, caring for each other, embracing our diversity, reaching out to those who live around us and working together in service to Creation.

June 7 – June 14, 2020

Today Pride Sunday / Communion On line – watch your email for further information
Sunday On line – watch your email for further information

Scripture readings for June 14, 2020 are Genesis 18:1-15; Romans 5:1-8.

From the Minister

If you feel the need to talk, to vent, to laugh, to hear another’s voice, please know that the phone and the email at the church will be constantly checked and so if you need to speak to me, please call and if we do not answer leave your name and number and I will call you back. We are in this together and will we get through this together, because that is what we do here at Windsor Park United Church

Bags for West Broadway Community Ministry

The Outreach Council is in need of clean plastic bread bags and blue plastic paper bags for the Tim Hortons reclamation project. If dropping them off at the church, leave them in the outside mail box and the bags will be picked up from there or contact Gwen Polak at (204) 256-8661 or email her at to arrange pick up.


Recently Patrick sent out an email about “Five Ways to be the Church when Church is Canceled” by Erin Wathen. Item number two on that list was to send in your offering. “This may seem like a small thing in the grand scheme right now, but trust me. It matters that you continue to get your offering in, as long as you are fiscally able. This is a great time to reexamine online giving options, or encourage folks to sign up for automatic withdrawal (aka PAR). Even the healthiest congregations can find themselves in the hole, and quick, after just a few Sundays of missed offerings. If you can’t give online, mail in a cheques, send a carrier pigeon, do what you have to do. Even if the building is empty, bills and salaries need to be paid; what’s more, you’re helping your church maintain mission commitments to the community in a time when the commitment is more important than ever. Go to WPUC’s website and look for the Donate tab at the top of the page. Click on that and you will be directed to a form which you simply fill out and submit. The bonus is that you get an immediate tax receipt and you don’t have to wait until February 2021.

WPUC E-transfer protocol

Most online banking websites now offer E-transfer, which is usually a no fee method to send money electronically. Although our Donate button is very handy, some people may not be comfortable with using their credit card or with the idea that there is a 3.75% service fee charged by CanadaHelps. With the assistance of Anne Thoroughgood, WPUC Finance has established the steps needed to complete an E-transfer that meets the audit criteria of the UCC Handbook.  If you are interested in doing a transfer please follow steps 1, 2 and 3.

1. Donor sends an e-transfer from their account to You may use WPUC as the name associated with the email account.

2. Donor sends an email to informing them of the answer to the security question.

3. Donor sends another email to informing them of the amount to expect from e-transfer as well as guidance of where the funds should be applied (General Fund, M&S, etc.).

4. Finance receives transfer notice and the security answer and makes the deposit.

5. Finance supplies the transfer information i.e.: donor and amount to the office to do the Church Watch posting.

If you are using this method repeatedly to donate to WPUC, PAR may be a more convenient option.

Categories: General News, Sunday Bulletin and Announcements, Worship