Author Archive: Laura

Good Friday Bulletin – April 2, 2021

Good Friday Call to Worship One:   On this day, this dark, long day. All:     We gather on this day. One:   On this day when we would rather not take this journey. All:     We gather on this day. One:   On this day of fear, when an innocent one is betrayed. All:     We gather […]

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Notes on the Notes – Good Friday 2021

Good Friday “We Remember” The opening anthem by Joal Raney (2011) draws us into the Good Friday story by retelling some of the events of Jesus’ ministry and leading us to the phrase “we remember Calvary.”  It incorporates the traditional hymn “When I Survey The Wondrous Cross”  by Isaac Watts.   Watts was deeply disappointed with […]

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Maundy Thursday Bulletin – April 1, 2021

Maundy Thursday The Bread of Life On the Thursday before Good Friday and Easter, many Christians observe Maundy Thursday. This day commemorates Jesus’s last supper with his disciples. During that meal in the upper room, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and gave them a new commandment: “Just as I have loved you, you also should […]

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Worship Service – March 28, 2021

Leading worship this week are:  Rev. Patrick Woodbeck, Sarah Closen, Gloria Saindon Music leaders:  Laura Steidl, Myrna Hagues, Amber Cottreau, Trista Closen, Julia Bateman, Courtney Maertens, Chris Saindon, Gordon Nazarko

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Bulletin – March 28, 2021

Palm Sunday Approach Lenten Candle Liturgy Our journey with Jesus has almost come to an end. We can see before us the city, there down in the valley, stretching out before our eyes. We have finally made it. But our journey is not complete, there are things yet to be done. Now we come to […]

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Announcements – March 28, 2021

OUR MISSION Windsor Park United Church seeks to be a welcoming community. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we nurture our faith and spiritual life by: worshipping and learning together, caring for each other, embracing our diversity, reaching out to those who live around us and working together in service to Creation. […]

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Notes on the Notes – March 28, 2021

Palm Sunday This week’s music: “You Shall Be the Path” “You shall be the path that guides us, You the light that in us burns; Shining deep within all people, Yours the love that we must learn, For our hearts shall wander restless Till they safe to you return; Finding you in one another, We […]

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Crafts for Celebrating Palm Sunday at Home

Palm Sunday is the Sunday in Lent where we celebrate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.  In the Bible story, it’s a very exciting time, where people gather along the roadway shouting “Hosanna,” wave palm branches and lay their coats on the roadway for Jesus to pass. Palm Sunday is going to feel different again this year.  […]

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WPUC 2020 Annual Report

Please click below to view this year’s Annual Report. WPUC Annual Report 2020 Reminder that the Annual Meeting will take place via Zoom on April 11, 2021 at 11:30 a.m.  Please contact the church office at 204-256-8792 or to register for the Zoom link. Deadline for registering is Friday, April 9, 2021.  

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Worship Service – March 21, 2021

Leading worship this week are:  Rev. Patrick Woodbeck, Myrna Hagues, Laura Steidl, Gloria Saindon, Sarah Closen, Heather Karavas & John Lwiwski Link to the bulletin Link to the Notes on the Notes Link to the Announcements

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Notes on the Notes – March 21, 2021

Lent 5 This week’s music: “God of the Bible” (MV #28) “God of the Bible, God in the Gospel, Hope seen in Jesus, hope yet to come, You are our centre, daylight or darkness, freedom or prison, you are our home. God in our struggles, God in our hunger, Suffering with us, taking our part, […]

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Announcements – March 21, 2021

OUR MISSION Windsor Park United Church seeks to be a welcoming community. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we nurture our faith and spiritual life by: worshipping and learning together, caring for each other, embracing our diversity, reaching out to those who live around us and working together in service to Creation. […]

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Bulletin – March 21, 2021

Fifth Sunday in Lent Approach Lenten Candle Liturgy Jesus travelled the dusty roads of Israel and Judah. He knew the way, but I think that this time it is different. We too have been on this journey before, but again it is different this year. Jesus has invited us along for this journey, God has […]

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Worship Service – March 14, 2021

Leading worship this week are:  Rev. Patrick Woodbeck, Myrna Hagues, Sarah Closen, Gloria Saindon, Heather Karavas, John Lwiwski & Laura Steidl Link to the bulletin Link to Notes on the Notes Link to the Announcements

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