Author Archive: Laura

Notes on the Notes – March 8, 2020

Lent 2 The Edge of Others Genesis 12:1-4a       John 3:1-17 This week’s music: “To Abraham and Sarah” (VU #634) “To Abraham and Sarah the call of God was clear; ‘Go forth and I will show you a country rich and fair. You need not fear the journey for I have pledged my word: That you […]

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Notes on the Notes – March 1, 2020

Lent 1 The Edge of Our Temptation Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7            Matthew 4:1-11 This week’s music: “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”  (VU #664) “What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! O what […]

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Notes on the Notes – February 26, 2020 at 5 p.m.

Ash Wednesday Scripture Readings: Psalm 104:24-28     Proverbs 2:1-5, 3:5-6 John 15:12-17      Luke 23:32-38 Service Music: “Light of Life Beyond Conceiving” (VU #121) “Light of life beyond conceiving, Mighty Spirit of our Lord; Give new strength to our believing, Give us faith to live your word, Give us faith to live your word.” As we enter […]

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A Time Called…LENT

Some of us may have grown up thinking that Lent was a time to keep personal enjoyment in check and to focus on personal guilt. That emphasis was to ensure we appreciated what Jesus suffered and accomplished in Holy Week. But Lent can also reveal the great blessings of being a Christian. Historical Roots of […]

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A Time Called…Transfiguration

Words occupy the mind, but images haunt the soul. Scripture records that, after a ministry of sermons, stories, and conversations, Jesus was transfigured on a mountain before his disciples. He appeared in dazzling whiteness with two heavenly figures – Moses and Elijah. Historical Roots of the Transfiguration Widely adopted in the Eastern Church before 1,000 […]

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Notes on the Notes – February 23, 2020

Transfiguration Sunday Exodus 24:12-18    Matthew 17:1-9 This week is the final Sunday of the season of Epiphany –  Transfiguration Sunday.  On this Sunday, all three of the synoptic gospels tell a story of Peter, James, and John accompanying Jesus to the top of a holy mountain. There, before their eyes, Jesus is transfigured or transformed […]

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In Support of Wet’suwet’en

Letter to the church from the Moderator and the National Indigenous Elders Council   Last modified on February 14, 2020 In late 2018, conflict over who has the right to make decisions about energy projects on traditional Indigenous territories reverberated across the country from the locus point of Wet’suwet’en territory in northern British Columbia. A […]

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Join the Worship Choir for Lent & Easter!

Singers Needed! This year, add another dimension to your Lenten worship by singing with the Worship Choir! We are starting to prepare the music for the Sundays in Lent to support our Lenten theme of “Encounters at the Edge” In addition to the Sundays in Lent, the Worship Choir will also be singing on Good […]

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Notes on the Notes – February 16, 2020

This week’s scripture readings: Psalm 119:1-8        1 Corinthians 3:1-9 This week’s music: “Serve the Lord”    “Serve the Lord, serve the Lord with gladness, Serve the Lord, serve the Lord with gladness. O ye people who’ve been waiting for so long, serve the Lord. Trust the Lord, the Lord will always lead […]

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Notes on the Notes – February 9, 2020

“We are the Light” Isaiah 58:1-9a (9b-12)                Matthew 5:13-20 Throughout the season of Epiphany, we have been following a journey of the light.  Jesus came as the Light of the World and the wise men followed the light of a star.  We have heard from the prophet Isaiah, saying, “Arise, your light has come.”    As […]

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Notes on the Notes – February 2, 2020

Communion Worship Leader: Rev. Bob Galston Micah 6:1-8          Matthew 5:1-12 This week’s music: “Come, Now, You Blessed” (VU #592) “Come, now, you blessed, eat at my table,” Said the great judge to the righteous above. “When I was hungry, thirsty and homeless, Sick and in prison you showed me your love.” “When […]

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Notes on the Notes – January 26, 2020

Guest Speaker: Tammy Junghans from “Segue – Red Frogs” Isaiah 9:1-4          Matthew 4:12-23 This week’s music: “Who is a Disciple” “Who is a disciple?  Look and you will see. Those who follow Jesus learning what to be. Mary Magdalene was one – she walked close by our Lord. And was the first to find him […]

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Notes on the Notes – January 19, 2020

Baptism Isaiah 49:1-7         John 1:29-42 “Will You Come and See the Light” (VU #96) Brian Wren has called upon his experience working for Third World aid and development projects to write this hymn, which is an invitation in song.  He chose the Scottish fold tune KELVINGROVE as the setting for his text.  It was arranged […]

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