Bulletin – Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sunday, March 1, 2020
First Sunday in Lent / Communion


Gathering Song – VU #664 – “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”

Welcome, lighting the candle and announcements

Lighting the Lenten Candle Response


From the dawning of creation,
You have loved us as your own;
Stay with us through all temptation,
Make us turn to you alone,
Make us turn to you alone,


Gentle Jesus, mighty Spirit,
Come inflame our hearts anew,
We may all your joy inherit
If we bear the cross with you,
If we bear the cross with you.

Call to Worship

One: As long night give way to light and winter sleep to fresh beginnings,
All: we come today to be reminded of God’s love for us.

One: Like the green shoots of renewed life, stirring beneath the soil,
All: we welcome an awakening of God’s word in our lives.

One: In this time of reflection and repentance,
All: we affirm our identity; we claim our security, as children of God.

One: Come, children of God, let us worship God.
All: Let us worship God together in word and song.

(adapted from Gill Le Fevre, Gatherings Lent/Easter 2020, page 31)

Opening Hymn – VU #111 – “As the Sun with Longer Journey”

Prayer of Approach and Confession

Loving God, as we continue the Lenten journey, reminds us that with your love, we have the strength to follow you. As we worship this day, surround us with your presence. Make yourself known to us in what we express, in the songs we sing, and in the prayers we offer. Reveal yourself in the people around us, that we might be reassured that we are not alone on this journey. As we follow you, we are aware that you call us to places we many not always want to go. Be with us, and forgive us our hesitation. Renew our resolve and show us the courage to travel with your Son and our Christ, as we seek to gown in faith. During the season of Lent, we focus, in part, on our relationship with you, God of mercy. Confession is the means by which we look deeply inside to discover the ways your love has been blocked by our self-interests. Confession is our way of opening our hearts unreservedly to you. So, let your healing love soften our hearts, opening the way to wholeness. Amen.

(adapted from Heather McClure and Gord Dunbar, Gatherings Lent/Easter 2020, pages 33-34)

Words of Assurance

Passing the Peace

Hymn – VU #113 – “To the Desert Jesus Came”

The Word

Scripture Reading:

Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7
Matthew 4:1-11

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church
Thanks be to God!

Meditation – “The Edge of Temptation”

Hymn – VU #115 – “Jesus, Tempted in the Desert”

The Response

Offering Prayer

Receive these gifts that we have given, God, as a symbol of all that we seek to be and to do in your way. Bless what we have offered and direct us in the use of these offerings for your glory and for the well-being of all. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Anthem – “Bread of Life”


Closing Hymn – MV #65 – “When We are Tested

Commissioning / Benediction Response

From this place of prayer and praising,
Cross and table, well-worn pews,
God, we leave to work and witness,
Living every day for you.
Bless us on our Lenten journey,
Loving Parent, Holy Friend;
Spirit, guide your people onward
Till once more we meet again.

Categories: General News, Sunday Bulletin and Announcements