Bulletin – Sunday, September 19, 2021

Sunday, September 19, 2021
Season of Creation 3
Lighting the Candle
In the name of God, who creates planets, the name of Jesus Christ, born on planet Earth, and the name of the Spirit who envelopes our planet. We come to this place together knowing that to live in God’s creation is to be in a place that is filled with God’s presence. As we light this candle today, Christ, we come into your presence to worship in this sanctuary called Earth. Amen.
O beautiful Gaia, O Gaia, calling us home.
O beautiful Gaia, calling us on.
Call to Worship
One: We invite the skies to worship with us:
All: the subtle orange skies at dawn and the bold red skies at sunset.
One: We join the heavens in praising God:
All: proclaiming God’s glory across the globe and hailing God’s name with the evening stars.
One: We join with the atmosphere in worship:
All: the air, the moisture, the oxygen, the wind and all the expressions of God’s Spirit.
One: We call the clouds to celebrate with storms:
All: to carry the life-giving drops of rain, that give hope and healing to Earth.
One: We invite the winds to join our petitions:
All: to carry our prayers to God above and breathe our hopes to Christ in person.
One: We celebrate the song of the skies!
All: Sing! Skies! Sing!
One: We invite you to join us in worship as we celebrate the song of the skies!
All: Sing! Skies! Sing!
Hymn – “Morning Has Broken”
Morning has broken like the first morning,
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird.
Praise for the singing! Praise for the morning!
Praise for them, springing fresh from the world!
Sweet the rain’s new fall sunlit from heaven,
Like the first dew fall on the first grass.
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden,
Sprung in completeness where God’s feet pass.
Our is the sunlight! Ours is the morning
Born of the one light Eden say play!
Praise with elation, praise every morning,
God’s recreation of the new day!
Prayer of Approach
God, our Creator, as we look into the skies we celebrate the wonders of the worlds that surround us.
Help us to see your presence in the evening sky, your spirit in the wind, your mercy in the falling rain. Teach us to hear the good news from the sky celebrating the glory of God in Earth. Rejoice with us as we behold the dawn revealing the mysteries of the skies above and Earth below. We are sorry.
As humans we have destroyed the ozone layer. As humans we have polluted the air, turned the nourishing rains to acid which has damaged creation. We have littered space in vain attempts to prove our superiority. We have forgotten that the skies are home to beautiful, majestic birds and creatures, the powerful eagle, the delicate hummingbird, the beautiful dragonfly. We have forgotten that the sky is an integral part of your creation with sun, and rain that nourishes and allows all creation to flourish. We are sorry.
Help us to see that the sky is a part of your creation as such we are called to care for the sky as we care for the earth. We ask this in the name of the one who breathed the same air that we do, was warmed by the same sun, and refreshed by the same rains, your son, Jesus. Amen.
Words of Assurance
Time for All Ages
Anthem – “Down to the River to Pray”
The Word
Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 4:23-28
23 I looked on the earth, and lo, it was waste and void; and to the heavens, and they had no light.
24 I looked on the mountains, and lo, they were quaking, and all the hills moved to and fro.
25 I looked, and lo, there was no one at all, and all the birds of the air had fled.
26 I looked, and lo, the fruitful land was a desert, and all its cities were laid in ruins before the LORD, before his fierce anger.
27 For thus says the LORD: The whole land shall be a desolation; yet I will not make a full end.
28 Because of this the earth shall mourn, and the heavens above grow black; for I have spoken, I have purposed; I have not relented nor will I turn back.
(Jeremiah sees Earth return to chaos and the skies respond with mourning.)
Scripture Reading: Psalm 19:1-6
1 The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.
2 Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge.
3 There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard;
4 yet their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In the heavens he has set a tent for the sun,
5 which comes out like a bridegroom from his wedding canopy, and like a strong man runs its course with joy.
6 Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them; and nothing is hid from its heat.
Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.
Thanks be to God!
Meditation – “The Same Sun, The Same Rain!”
Hymn – “Called by Earth and Sky”
Called by earth and sky, promise of hope held high,
This is our sacred living trust,
Treasure of life sanctified,
Call by earth and sky.
Precious these waters, endless seas,
Deep ocean’s dream,
Waters of healing, rivers of rain,
The wash of love again.
Called by earth and sky, promise of hope held high,
This is our sacred living trust,
Treasure of life sanctified,
Call by earth and sky.
Precious this gift, the air we breathe;
Wind born and free.
Breath of the Spirit, blow through this place,
Our gathering and our grace.
Called by earth and sky, promise of hope held high,
This is our sacred living trust,
Treasure of life sanctified,
Call by earth and sky.
Precious these mountains, ancient sands;
Vast fragile land.
Seeds of our wakening, rooted and strong,
Creation’s faithful song.
Called by earth and sky, promise of hope held high,
This is our sacred living trust,
Treasure of life sanctified,
Call by earth and sky.
Precious the fire that lights our way,
Bright dawning day.
Fire of passion, sorrows undone,
Our faith and justice one.
Called by earth and sky, promise of hope held high,
This is our sacred living trust,
Treasure of life sanctified,
Call by earth and sky.
The Response
Prayers of the People
One: Jesus Christ, teach us to empathize with Earth. Make our spirits sensitive to the cries of creation, cries for justice from the air, the clouds, and the sky. Jesus Christ, make our faith sensitive to the groans of the Spirit in creation, groans of longing for a new creation. Jesus Christ, make our hearts sensitive to the songs of our kin, songs of celebration from the stars, the rains and the light. Christ, teach us to care. Creating God, you have given us the beautiful sunrises of our lives and many times we do not notice them.
All: God open our hearts to your wondrous creation, hear our prayer.
One: You have given us the harmonious songs of every kind of bird of the air and many times we do not pay attention.
All: God open our hearts to your wondrous creation, hear our prayer.
One: You have given us the soft touch of another’s hands and many times we do not feel it.
All: God open our hearts to your wondrous creation, hear our prayer.
One: You have given us the loving gentle presence of another during our times of need and many times we do not recognize it, we hope that those whom we lift up today recognize your presence and our presence with them at this time…
All: God open our hearts to your wondrous creation, hear our prayer.
One: You have given us the aromas of lovely flowers and good foods and many times we do not smell them.
All: God open our hearts to your wondrous creation, hear our prayer.
One: You have given us the mysteries of the universe to discover and unfold and many times we do not consider them.
All: God open our hearts to your wondrous creation, hear our prayer.
One: Give us the wisdom to see the connection of all creation to your love and help us work for justice, peace, and hope in all creation.
All: God open our hearts to your wondrous creation, hear our prayer.
One: Let your creative imagination inspire us to greater things so that we might repair the damage that we have done. Hear us now as we continue to pray in the words that Jesus taught us;
All: Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.
Hymn – “Touch the Earth Lightly”
Touch the earth lightly, use the earth gently,
Nourish the life of the world in our care:
Gift of great wonder, ours to surrender,
Trust for the children tomorrow will bear.
We who endanger, who create hunger,
Agents of death for all creatures that live,
We who would foster clouds of disaster,
God of our planet, forestall and forgive!
Let there be greening, birth from the burning,
Water that blesses and air that is sweet,
Health in God’s garden, hope in God’s children,
Regeneration that peace will complete.
God of all living, God of all loving,
God of the seedling, the snow and the sun,
Teach us, deflect us, Christ reconnect us,
Using us gently and making us one.
Christ calls you to be his disciples, to serve him with love and compassion, to serve Earth by caring for creation, especially the atmosphere above that gives breath to all creatures of Earth. As we go into the week celebrate the winds that bring breathe, allow our prayers to float up into the sky, care not only for the planet beneath our feet but the sky above our heads. May the Spirit of God, who is above all and in all and through all, fill you with the knowledge of God’s presence today and every day. Amen.
Life a rock, like a rock, God is under our feet.
Like the starry night sky, God is over our head.
Life the sun on the horizon, God is ever before.
Like the river runs to ocean, our home is in God evermore.