
Christmas Hampers

A big THANK YOU to everyone who donated for our Christmas hampers this year!  Also, THANKS to all of the volunteers who packed and delivered the 20 hampers!

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Food Donations Needed!

The Worship and Outreach Councils are asking for donations of food for West Broadway to be brought in on Thanksgiving Day Sunday (Oct. 11) and Oct. 18. Items most needed are: Sugar Coffee Peanut Butter Cheese Whiz Tuna/Canned meat Coffee whitener Canned pork and beans, etc. Thank you!  

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“Walk a Mile in My Shoes” for West Broadway Community

“Walk a Mile in My Shoes” will take place Saturday, September 26th and is an educational event as well as a fundraiser. It’s been said that to understand someone, you must walk a mile in their shoes. This event is designed to give participants a snapshot of what it’s like to live in poverty, particularly […]

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Help West Broadway Community Ministry

While you are making plans for your summer, please consider helping our friends at West Broadway Community Ministry. During the summer months, donations of food often dwindle and their pantry cupboards get barer than Mother Hubbard’s… To support their lunch program throughout the summer months, the WPUC Outreach Council will collect: peanut butter Cheez Whiz […]

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Nepal Earthquake

Click below to link to the United Church’s emergency response website for the earthquake in Nepal. http://united-church.ca/communications/news/response/150427

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Food Needed – West Broadway

The food cupboard at West Broadway looks to be in good shape, but it’s the week before payday and things can change very quickly. They need:  pork & beans, stews, other sources of protein (canned fish, peanut butter, etc.), vegetables and fruit. Food items can be dropped off in the bin just inside the front […]

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Social Justice Event – Make Poverty History

Make Poverty History/Right to Housing Pre-Budget Rally  Thursday April 23, 12 Noon (program 12:15) Outside Manitoba Legislature >> Poster Right 2 Housing  and Make Poverty History Manitoba are holding a rally at noon on April 23 in front of the Leg steps.  We have been asking the Province of Manitoba to implement the Rent Assist program […]

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Lenten Study Opportunity – Westworth United

Westworth United Church is inviting you to their Lenten study – Aboriginal Teachings and the United Church – led by the Very Rev. Stan McKay, Cree elder and former moderator of the United Church. Sessions will be held on Wednesday evenings from 7-9 p.m. Feb. 25 – Meditations on the Seven Sacred Teachings March 4 […]

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Food Needed!!

Our Food Bank at the church is in need of replenishing. Items needed are: Cereal Juice boxes Peanut butter Canned meats and fish Pasta and rice Canned fruit and vegetables Beans and soups Please leave donations in the upstairs kitchen. Thank you!

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Hamper update

Your Outreach Council would like to thank everyone for the overwhelming support of the Christmas Hamper project. Because of your generosity, 20 hampers were delivered to families in the community. Your gifts of time, presents for the families, and financial contributions helped us exceed our goals. Your donations ($2002.00) allowed us to purchase all of […]

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Children at Risk Conference – Help needed!

Can you help?  We are hosting a one-day conference on CHILDREN AT RISK on Saturday Feb. 7th from 9-3 p.m. We still need:  hosts, help in the kitchen, donations of cookies, muffins, stew and bannock. The sign-up sheet is in the lobby or call the church office (204-895-7486) if you can help!  

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Children at Risk Conference – Help needed!

Can you help?  We are hosting a one-day conference on CHILDREN AT RISK on Saturday Feb. 7th from 9-3 p.m. We need:  hosts, help in the kitchen, donations of cookies, muffins, stew and bannock. Watch for a sign-up sheet in the lobby!

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Christmas Hampers

In collaboration with the Christmas Cheer Board, the WPUC Outreach Council plans to pack and deliver hampers to 20 needy families in our community. We need your help.  You can make a donation to offset costs of the groceries by using the envelope in your bulletin on Nov. 23 & 30, and placing it in […]

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