
Opportunities! – Property Council

Do you like doing small maintenance jobs? Do you have a knack for seeing things that need to be done to improve our physical space? Do you have ideas for future improvements for the building we know as “Windsor Park United Church”? Do you have a special interest like gardening, snow removal or interior painting? […]

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Opportunities! Ministry and Personnel

Would you like to share your management/personnel/H-R skills? Do you want to learn more about how the staffing of the church is done? Would you like to have conversations and share your ideas about how to handle our staffing needs? Would you enjoy talking with staff about the things that work/may need some work in […]

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Opportunities! Christian Development Council

Christian Development Council (CDC) – Would you like to be more involved in your faith community? – Do you want to learn more about your faith through discussion with other faithful people? – Would you enjoy nurturing the faith of people of all ages? – Do you have creative faith-learning ideas? – Do you enjoy […]

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Opportunities! Worship Council

Worship Council – Do you want to be part of community? – Do you have creative, uplifting worship ideas to share? – Do you want to know more about your faith? – Do you care about what happens in worship? If so, you may be an excellent addition to the Worship Council!  The Worship Council […]

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“Thank You” from your Outreach Council

A couple of notes from Gwen and the Outreach council: “One of the most beautiful sights of the holidays was our Mitten Tree! It’s branches were adorned with a rainbow of donations from many creative, generous helpers. The (100+) touques, gloves, scarves, socks, neck warmers, and mittens that you so kindly made or purchased will […]

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Calendar of Events for Christmas 2017

Sunday, December 3rd 10:30 a.m. First Sunday of Advent – Communion Service 6:30 p.m. Advent Kick-off – Bonfire and Carol Singing Indoor and outdoor singing with hot chocolate, cookie decorating and stories. Bring your family, friends and neighbours! Saturday, December 9th  Packing and delivery of Thinking of You baskets Still needing donations of individual hot […]

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WPUC Reflection & Visioning

On Sept. 29th at WPUC “Reframing the Question” for an evening of Appreciative Inquiry. Join the executive as we continue our journeyof planning for the future at WPUC. Sign-up sheet is in the lobby. WPUC Visioning AI Session Sept.29, 2017

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Welcome Back Lunch!

Please join us this Sunday (September 10th) after worship for our WELCOME BACK LUNCHEON! There will be hamburgers, fresh garden vegetables, coleslaw, refreshments, ice cream and cupcakes! Cost: Adults $5, Children (12 and under) $2.   A great chance to visit, catch-up or meet some new people!  

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Hurricane Relief

The United Church of Canada is accepting donations for Hurricane Irma relief.  Please click the link below to connect to the website for the United Church of Canada:

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One Step at a Time!

Have you noticed something different as you walk up to our church? At our spring retreat, members of the official board discussed a vision of making our building more welcoming.  We take pride in having a church that is a place of welcome for everyone, and what better way to share this than by having […]

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It’s Back to School Time!

At WPUC we are once again collecting NEW/UNUSED school supplies for students who need a little extra help as they head back to school! The list of school supplies we are looking for:               Schools Top 10 Donation List  Duotangs – 3 prong  Packages of looseleaf  Pencils  Student scissors  Crayola crayons  Crayola markers – thick […]

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