
Easter 2018 – Memorial Lilies

This year, the beautiful Easter lilies on display at the church were donated in memory of the following people: Paul Stockwell Doug Grieve Art Grieve Paul Nazarko Gordon & Edith Steenson Sid Waldron Verna Palmer Bob Muir Thelma Mallard Surafiel Resmafariam Linda Garvey Sheila & Ken Hayward Larry Todd Charlie Klein Jim Hastings Angela Moodie […]

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Earthquake Relief

The United Church of Canada is accepting donations to enable Mission & Service partners to respond directly to those impacted by the eruption of the Fuego Volcano in Guatemala. The Fuego Volcano, located 27 miles southwest of Guatemala City, erupted on June 3, 2018. Initial reports indicate 75 people have died, around 50 people were […]

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Faith in Action – West Broadway Community Ministry

Lunch at WBCM Thank you to our volunteers!  On Monday, March 26, volunteers prepared and served 16 dozen hot dogs at West Broadway Community Ministry (that’s 192 hot dogs)! Guests loved the selection of dainties!  Favorites (for next time!):  Nanaimo bars, Rice Krispie cake, Smarties cookies, matrimonial cake, marshmallow peanut butter squares and chocolate chip […]

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Faith in Action – WBCM!

Did you know that our Outreach Council visits West Broadway Community Ministry on a regular basis? This month, they served lunch to approximately 70-80 guests.   They prepared and served 16 dozen hotdogs and similar numbers of bananas and home baked cookies, courtesy of 4 members of our congregation. Home baked cookies are always in big […]

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WPUC’s Annual Curling Bonspiel!

Mark your Calendars! Sunday March 4th at 2pm at Fort Garry Curling Club, located at 696 Archibald St All ages and skill levels are welcome! There will be a dinner here at the church afterwards as well! Join us, there is a sign-up sheet in the lobby! Curling & dinner: $10/person Dinner only: $5/person

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