
Opportunities for Involvement

Many of our councils currently have openings for new members. Being on a council is a great way to get to know people, become involved in areas that are of interest to you, and have a voice in the direction of the church! Current openings: Executive Team – 2nd Vice Chair – Ideal for someone […]

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January 29, 2016 Quiz Night

Quiz Night poster 2016 PUT YOUR THINKING CAPS ON! Due to popular demand we will be holding another QUIZ NIGHT this year! On Friday January 29nd starting at 7 – 10 pm. Form a team of eight and compete with other teams for chocolate and cheesecake prizes. The cost per person is $13 or 2 […]

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March 6, 2016 Curling

“ROCK ON!!!!” Whether you’re a seasoned curler or not, join in for an afternoon and evening of great entertainment!                         Sign-up for Curling on Sunday March 6, 2015 at 2-4pm at the Fort Garry Curling Club on Archibald St. The cost is $10.00 per curler. Bring a prize, win a prize! Following curling at 5pm, enjoy […]

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January 22, 2016 Youth Group Movie Night

Youth Group Movie Night!  Join us at the church on Friday, January 22nd from 7 to 9:30pm for a movie night! There will be a number of movies to choose from and we will as a group pick a movie to watch. Bring yourself, bring a friend, bring some snacks. Popcorn and drinks will be […]

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Quiz Night Tickets go on sale this Sunday!

Back by popular demand – Fun for all ages!!!   Get your team organized for this year’s Windsor Park United Quiz Night. Build your 8 person multi-generational team for your best shot at the cheese cake and chocolate prizes. Friday, January 29th @ 7PM.   Tickets will go on sale after church beginning January 10th – […]

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“OPEN DOORS” Saturday services starting in January

Have you felt that struggle between you and your children’s extra-curricular activities and attending church on Sunday morning? If so, please join us at Windsor Park United Church for OPEN DOORS from January 9th to January 30th.    Open Doors will take place beginning Saturday January 9th @ 4:30 pm. We will be gathering for a […]

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United Church of Canada Syrian Refuge Appeal

The United Church of Canada is deeply concerned for the more than 11 million people who are now internal or external refugees, displaced by the fighting in Syria. As the numbers of refugees increase, the United Church has been asked to help. On September 5, 2013, the church launched an emergency appeal for donations that […]

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Blue Christmas Candle-lighting Liturgy

We light four candles tonight in remembrance of our loved ones. We light these candles for our own needs. We light one for our grief, one for our courage, one for our memories and one for our love.   The first candle represents our grief. We own the pain of losing loved ones, of dreams […]

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Notes on the Notes – Blue Christmas Service – Dec. 21, 2015

“The First Nowell” “The first Nowell the angel did say was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay; in fields where they lay a-keeping their sheep on a cold winter’s night that was so deep. Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel…” This traditional text likely dates from the 17th century or earlier.  […]

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Christmas Hampers

A big THANK YOU to everyone who donated for our Christmas hampers this year!  Also, THANKS to all of the volunteers who packed and delivered the 20 hampers!

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Save the date – Quizmaster event on January 29th, 2016!

Back by popular demand!!!   Start thinking about getting a team organized for this year’s Windsor Park United Quiz Night evening that is fun for all ages.   Build your 8 person multi-generational team for your best shot at the cheese cake prizes. Friday, January 29th @ 7PM.   Tickets will go on sale after church […]

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November 13, 2015 Youth Group

Join us as we make Advent Prayer boxes! All youth and friends are welcome to join us! There will be snacks and drinks. and an Advent discussion – What is Christmas really about?

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