General News

Worship Service – April 23, 2023

Earth Day Sunday  Third Sunday of Easter Today’s worship leaders are: Rev. Patrick Woodbeck, Gloria Saindon, Laura Steidl, Myrna Hagues and The Harmony Singers. Click below for a recording of this week’s service: See the bulletin at:  Bulletin To learn more about the service music, please visit Notes on the Notes Please join us next Sunday […]

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It’s Volunteer Appreciation Week!

Hi everyone!  It is National Volunteer Week and we want to celebrate all that you have done to ensure our community is well served by Windsor Park United Church. Volunteering is a voluntary act, where you freely give your time and labour in service of the community, and volunteers are often the glue that holds […]

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Worship Service – April 16, 2023

Second Sunday of Easter/Baptism *Reminder that a very important Annual Meeting of Windsor Park United Church will take place next Sunday after church for all members and anyone interested in the future of this church.   A show of support by attending in person is appreciated.  If you are not able to be here, a Zoom […]

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A Time Called…Easter Season

Easter is a “moveable feast” which, unlike Christmas with its set date, falls on the Sunday after the full moon following March 21.  But what happens after Easter Sunday? It is easy to fall back into “life as normal” after Easter. But, the season of Easter – 40 days – offers us a special time […]

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Easter Sunday Worship Service – April 9, 2023

Easter Sunday “The Burdens We Carry are Not Only Ours” Today’s worship leaders are: Rev. Patrick Woodbeck, Heather Karavas, Laura Steidl, Myrna Hagues, The Worship Choir and The Harmony Singers. Click below for a recording of our Easter Sunday service: See the bulletin at:  Bulletin To learn more about the service music, please visit Notes on […]

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A Time Called…Easter Day

Easter shatters the natural order. The crucified one lives again. Reality is redefined through Christ’s death and resurrection. God has spoken the last word on death – and that word is LIFE! All creation can live again through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ. Alleluia! What is Easter? Easter is a festival and holiday celebrating the […]

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Worship Service – Good Friday – April 7, 2023

Good Friday Service Today’s worship leaders are: Rev. Patrick Woodbeck, Edna Erickson, Dorothy Read, Doug Waldron, Alana Davis, Laura Steidl, Myrna Hagues, The Worship Choir and The Harmony Singers. Click below for a recording of our Good Friday service: See the bulletin at:  Bulletin To learn more about the service music, please visit Notes on the Notes […]

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Bulletin – Sunday, April 9, 2023 – Easter Sunday

Sunday, April 9, 2023 Easter Sunday Approach Lighting the Candles The light which the world tried to extinguish cannot be put out. Today we light the candles again, proclaiming the transforming power of God. As the light returns, we give thanks that God’s transforming love has been, is now, and will ever be at work […]

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Bulletin – Friday, April 7, 2023 – Good Friday

Friday, April 7, 2023 Good Friday Approach Lenten Candles Never doubt the meaning of Lent. It happened a long time ago, but it happened. Jesus walked on this earth. He practiced a ministry of radical inclusivity, drawing to himself all the despised and rejected members of society. He lived what he taught: a life of […]

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A Time Called…Good Friday

 A woman lamented the poor attendance of church members at her church’s Good Friday worship:   “If we can’t even bear the cost of one hour to hear the story of Jesus’ death, how can we begin to consider and how can we begin to fathom the cost he bore for us, and how deeply we […]

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