General News

A Time Called…Easter Sunday

Easter shatters the natural order. The crucified one lives again. Reality is redefined through Christ’s death and resurrection. God has spoken the last word on death – and that word is LIFE! All creation can live again through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ. Alleluia! What is Easter? Easter is a festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection […]

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Worship Service – March 29, 2024 – Good Friday

Good Friday Thank you for taking the time to join us. Thank you to all in leadership this week: Worship Leaders – Alana Davis, Dorothy Read, Pat Lumsden, Gwen Polak Music Leadership – Laura Steidl, Myrna Hagues and the Worship Choir Live Stream – Doug Waldron Click on the picture below for a recording of […]

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Bulletin – Friday, March 29, 2024 – Good Friday

Friday, March 29, 2024 Good Friday Call to Worship One:   On this day we gather to remember Jesus our Saviour who loved us and gave himself for us. Let us draw near in full assurance of God’s endless love and mercy. All:      We give our thanks and praise to Jesus Christ who carries our sorrows, […]

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Bulletin – Sunday, March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday

Sunday, March 31, 2024 Easter Sunday We Gather as People of Faith Welcome Announcements Call to Worship One:   They stood at the tomb dumbfounded. Is it possible that… All:      Christ is risen? One:   They heard it from the women, later that morning, but was it really true that… All:      Christ is risen? One:   We stand […]

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A Time Called…Good Friday

Set between the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, and the celebration of the resurrection on Easter Sunday, Good Friday tells the story of Christ’s Passion and is a central part to our Christian story.  Of course, we would all like to skip the less savory parts of life. Good Friday shows […]

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Worship Service – March 24, 2024

Palm Sunday Thank you to all in leadership this week: Worship Leaders – Susan Spindler (pulpit supply), Anne Thoroughgood (liturgist) Live Stream – Doug Waldron Congregational Update – Caitlyn Trias Music Leadership – Laura Steidl, Myrna Hagues and the Worship Choir Click on the picture below for a recording of this week’s service: See the […]

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Faith in Action – March 20, 2024

After church coffee – Thank you to those who have hosted coffee time after church and also to those who have donated treats and helped out with serving/washing up/putting away chairs, etc!  Please use the sign-up sheet for March/April Sundays so we can let people know when we will be having coffee.  Also, feel free […]

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A Time Called…Palm Sunday

For many, the procession of the palms re-enacted by Sunday school children is a vivid and lasting memory of this day. But once you know the whole story of the upcoming week, it is hard to see Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem except as set against his passion – betrayal, humiliation, and death. Historical Roots […]

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Worship Service – March 17, 2024

Fifth Sunday in Lent Thank you to all in leadership this week: Worship Leaders – Susan Spindler (pulpit supply), June Kaan (liturgist) Live Stream – Doug Waldron Music Leadership – Laura Steidl, Myrna Hagues and the Worship Choir Thank you to the Radcliffe family for sharing the flowers from the Celebration of Life Service for […]

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Worship Service – March 10, 2024

Fourth Sunday in Lent Thank you to all in leadership this week: Worship Leaders – Rev. Peter Denton (pulpit supply), June Kaan (liturgist), Pat Lumsden (minute person) Live Stream – Doug Waldron Music Leadership – Laura Steidl, Myrna Hagues and the Worship Choir Click on the picture below for a recording of this week’s service: […]

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Faith in Action – March 7, 2024

Book Sale – Our next book sale will be before and after church on March 10 (this Sunday!)  This “free will offering” sale is a “small but mighty” fund-raiser! Don’t forget to bring some cash/spare change when you come to church on Sunday! After church coffee – Thank you to those who have hosted coffee time after […]

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Worship Service – March 3, 2024

Third Sunday in Lent/Communion Thank you to all in leadership this week: Worship Leaders – Rev. Peter Denton (pulpit supply), Dorothy Read (liturgist) Live Stream – John Lwiwski Music Leadership – Laura Steidl, Myrna Hagues and the Harmony Singers Reminder to gather your communion elements for the service.  Click on the picture below for a […]

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