General News

Notes on the Notes – January 24, 2021

This week’s music: “Come to My Heart” (VU #661) “Come to my heart, Lord Jesus; teach me to walk in your way.Come to my heart, Lord Jesus; come to my heart today.Give me the peace and joy that only you can bring.Come to my heart, Lord Jesus; give me a song to sing. Fill me […]

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Bulletin – January 24, 2021

Third Sunday after Epiphany Approach Lighting the Christ Candle From deep within us we know of a loving presence. All around us we see glory, beauty, life, and light. We have no words for what we experience so we cry out, “God!” In this moment, as we light the candle of Christ, may we become […]

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Announcements – January 24, 2021

OUR MISSION Windsor Park United Church seeks to be a welcoming community. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we nurture our faith and spiritual life by: worshipping and learning together, caring for each other, embracing our diversity, reaching out to those who live around us and working together in service to Creation. […]

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Notes on the Notes – January 17, 2021

This week’s music: “New Every Morning” (VU #405)   “New every morning is the love our wakening and uprising prove;Through sleep and darkness safely brought, Restored to life, and power, and thought. New mercies each returning day hover around us while we pray;New perils past, new sins forgiven, New thought of God, new hopes of […]

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Announcements – January 17, 2021

OUR MISSION Windsor Park United Church seeks to be a welcoming community. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we nurture our faith and spiritual life by: worshipping and learning together, caring for each other, embracing our diversity, reaching out to those who live around us and working together in service to Creation. […]

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Bulletin – January 17, 2021

Second Sunday after Epiphany Approach Lighting the Christ Candle We light this candle not only as a symbol of light in this place, or only as a symbol of light in our lives, but as a symbol of light in a world that so often lives in darkness. Epiphany is the season of light, may […]

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Notes on the Notes – January 10, 2021

Baptism of Jesus This week’s music: “O Splendour of God’s Glory Bright” (VU #413) “O splendour of God’s glory bright, from light eternal bringing light;O light of life, light’s living spring, true day, all days illumining; Come, Holy Sun of heavenly love, pour down your radiance from above,And to our inward hearts convey the Holy […]

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Bulletin – January 10, 2021

The Baptism of Jesus Approach Lighting the Christ Candle We light this candle not only as a symbol of light in this place, or only as a symbol of light in our lives, but as a symbol of light in a world that so often lives in darkness. Epiphany is the season of light. May […]

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Announcements – January 10, 2021

OUR MISSION Windsor Park United Church seeks to be a welcoming community. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we nurture our faith and spiritual life by: worshipping and learning together, caring for each other, embracing our diversity, reaching out to those who live around us and working together in service to Creation. […]

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Prayer for Our U.S. Neighbours

As we follow our newsfeeds,and observe with horrorwhat is happening in the capital of the United States of America,we call on you, Creator of All Love.We painfully remember peaceful protests of tangible and documented injustices, led by Black and Indigenous peopleswho were sadly met with undue hostility and violence,and characterized as rioters,in contrast to how […]

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Announcements – January 3, 2021

OUR MISSION Windsor Park United Church seeks to be a welcoming community. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we nurture our faith and spiritual life by: worshipping and learning together, caring for each other, embracing our diversity, reaching out to those who live around us and working together in service to Creation. […]

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Notes on the Notes – January 3, 2021

Epiphany This week’s music: “A Light is Gleaming”  (VU #82) “A light is gleaming,Spreading its arms throughout the night,Living in the light.Come share its gladness,God’s radiant love is burning bright,Living in the light. When light comes pouring into the darkest place,It hurts our eyes to see the glow.Sometimes a word of hope reminds us of […]

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