General News

Lenten Challenge – Week 5 – Fasting

Every once in awhile, Jesus needed to get away from his busy life and just be. Sometimes, he would go to the hills, or sit beside a lake, and pray. There are times when we, too, need a break from all our busyness. This week, try fasting from electricity for an hour in the evening, […]

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Announcements – April 7, 2019

 THE LIFE & WORK OF WPUC April 7th – 14th Today            10:30 a.m.     Worship (Lent 5/Communion) Monday        6:15 p.m.        Sparks & Brownies                        7:00 p.m.       Official Board Tuesday        1:00 p.m.       Art Group Wednesday   9:30 a.m.       Tot Time Thursday      9:30 a.m.       Study Group                        1:30 p.m.       Little Moccasins 7:30 p.m.       Worship Choir practice Next […]

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Lenten Challenge – Week 4 – Giving from the Heart

When asked what the two most important commandments in the entire Bible were, Jesus said: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbour as yourself.” This week, send a card to someone or give someone a phone call to let them know you are thinking of […]

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Lenten Challenge – Week 3 – Fasting

“Then Jesus was led into the wilderness by the spirit.  He fasted for 40 days and nights, and afterwards he was famished.” In Jesus’ day, fasting from some foods for a certain period of time was a common way of drawing closer to God. This week, try fasting from meat for one day.  Or Try […]

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Lenten Challenge – Week 2 – Prayer

On the night before Jesus died, he had a meal with his friends.  And while they sat at the table, Jesus took a loaf of bread, blessed it, and broke it, and gave it to each of his friends saying: “This is my body, which is broken for you.  Whenever you eat, remember me.” Jesus […]

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United Church Statement on Christchurch

To read the statement on the violence in Christchurch, go to: For a prayer from Moderator Richard Bott, go to:

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Lenten Challenge – Week 1 – Give

One time, when a young man asked Jesus how he could come closer to God, Jesus said: “Give what you have to those who have less, and come follow me.” This week, consider giving food to our church food bank, or donations for West Broadway Community Ministry or The Bear Clan.  Items can be dropped […]

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Climate Change

Caring for God’s gift of Creation is a spiritual commitment. To learn about what the United Church has to say go to: To learn more about the Student Strike for Climate Action on Friday, March 15 @ 1 p.m. go to: To learn about Earth Hour, taking place on Saturday, March 30, go […]

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Announcements – March 3, 2019

THE LIFE & WORK OF WPUC March 3rd – March 9th Today            10:00 a.m.     Joyful Noise practice                        10:30 a.m.     Worship (Communion)                        2:00 p.m.       Curling Bonspiel Monday         6:15 p.m.        Sparks & Brownies                        7:00 p.m.       UCW Executive Tuesday        1:00 p.m.       Art Group Wednesday   9:30 a.m.       Tot Time                        1:00 p.m.       UCW Unit 2 […]

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This week at WPUC

Join us tonight (Feb. 26) at 6:30 p.m. as we join with “Save Our Seine” to screen the film “Call of the Forest.”  Free admission. Join us tomorrow night (Wed., Feb. 27) for a video presentation and evening of  thought-provoking discussion at our fourth session of “Waking Up in the World.” On Thursday morning at […]

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Waking Up in the World: Four Coffee and Conversation Sessions

Heal our Hearts Cultivate Courage Inspire Action In our world today we are facing many issues: climate change, poverty, wars, racism, homophobia, ageism, strange politics, etc, etc. Now more than ever, people are being called to grow and develop, and to bring forward their own unique voices and gifts to solve our very real social […]

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