General News

Hurricane Relief

The United Church of Canada is accepting donations for Hurricane Irma relief.  Please click the link below to connect to the website for the United Church of Canada:

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One Step at a Time!

Have you noticed something different as you walk up to our church? At our spring retreat, members of the official board discussed a vision of making our building more welcoming.  We take pride in having a church that is a place of welcome for everyone, and what better way to share this than by having […]

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WPUC Music Programs are Starting Soon!

WPUC has music programs for all ages! THE WORSHIP CHOIR – Do you enjoy singing and want to have “faith-ful fun” with a great group of people who share your love of music?   Our youth and adult choir, under the direction of  Laura Steidl, practices on Thursday evenings and leads the music in worship each […]

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It’s Back to School Time!

At WPUC we are once again collecting NEW/UNUSED school supplies for students who need a little extra help as they head back to school! The list of school supplies we are looking for:               Schools Top 10 Donation List  Duotangs – 3 prong  Packages of looseleaf  Pencils  Student scissors  Crayola crayons  Crayola markers – thick […]

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It is done!

I sit here for the last time in a residence room as a student in the summer distance program at the Atlantic School of Theology. It is almost a surreal experience. I can hear the voices of other students laughing down the hallway as they share a meal together, as we do every weekday morning. […]

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Transitions and Endings

It is the last Sunday for me on campus as a Summer Distance student at the Atlantic School of Theology. I must explain my absence for the past 2 weeks. I have been made aware of all that has happened since I have been away and the losses of so many. I wanted to leave […]

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Prayer for all impacted by wild fires in British Columbia

God of Creation, We live in a world where both beauty and danger surround us. Receive our prayers for those impacted by, and living in fear of, the wildfires across the interior of British Columbia:      for all who cannot find adequate food, safety, or shelter…      for all who have lost their […]

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It is all Greek to me!

Well it is the first day of the second class of the summer term. You would think that I would have learned after last year and trying to learn Biblical Hebrew in two weeks. But no, I have to take Biblical Greek in the same amount of time. Well to be honest I have not […]

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Canada Day, Canada’s 150

It is Canada day and here is sit in residence at the Atlantic School of Theology listening to the fog horns going off every couple of minutes. We were supposed to be out sailing today, but the weather was not really conducive to being on the water today as we have had a lot of […]

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Coffee and Conversation

Every Wednesday from 2 – 3:30 pm from July 5 to August 23 join us at the church for a weekly afternoon out during the summer to meet old friends make new friends. Everyone is welcome! If you have any questions please contact Barb Kelly at 204-257-1850 or email

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25/30 or Two Weeks Down

To be honest when I wrote last week I found myself in the midst of a week that seemed to be dragging on so slowly. Well here we are at the end of the next week, at the end of my first course and two weeks closer to coming home. It is amazing how time […]

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Continuing to Ask “What?”

Have you ever had one of those experiences when you are engaging with something, either another person, a course, or a situation, and you you find that you are continuing to ask yourself the question ‘what?’ This is where I find myself at the end of the first week of studies here at school. There […]

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Accolades and Reflection

This first week has been a very interesting time here at the Atlantic School of Theology. We have welcomed new students, one from Newfoundland, and two from Southern Ontario. What we have come to realize is that this program has become, not just an educational program for the Maritimes,  but a program for Canada, as […]

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It Begins

I arrived in Halifax late yesterday afternoon to clouds and a bit of rain. This will be a short post today as I preparing to leave residence for my final weekend formation retreat which will be taking place at Mt. Allison in Sackville, New Brunswick. It seems a bit strange to come this far east […]

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June 11, 2017 Annual Church Picnic

  Plan to join us this Sunday June 11th for the ANNUAL CHURCH PICNIC following worship. There will be fun and games for all! The cost: Adults $3, Children (12 and under) $2. Menu: Hot dogs, potato chips, ice cream and refreshments! Don’t forget your family, friends, hat, sunscreen and a chair. Parking will be […]

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