General News

Calling all bakers!!

Do you like to bake?? Would you like to help?? At Windsor Park United, we LOVE our coffee after church! But did you know that each of our councils and committees takes turns with supplying baking? and that some of our councils are very small (3-4 people)? and that some months have 5 Sundays to […]

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You can help!

We are now collecting food for West Broadway Community Ministry’s emergency food cupboard.  The Worship and Outreach Councils are asking for donations of non-perishable food to be brought in on Thanksgiving Sunday (Oct. 9). Do you have any decorations that we could use on Thanksgiving Sunday?  Bring them in for our Thanksgiving display! Our Membership […]

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Fall Evening Study Session – The Bible For Dummies!

Just what we’ve been waiting for! Open to all, Dummies or not! The Bible For Dummies (or… How to open your Bible without fear or embarrassment!) When?  Wednesdays beginning on October 19th through to December 7th from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Helping us on our journey through the Bible will be Rev. Dr. Bob Galston! […]

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Saturday October 1, 2016 Craft Sale

Our CICC council would like to invite you to join us for our 5th Annual Craft Sale! at Windsor Park United Church, 1062 Autumnwood Dr. The cost for renting a table is $25. Call either Jan Nazarko 233-2736 or Luci 256-8792 to register. Bring your friends and family and check out all the amazing […]

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September 25, 2016 Applebee’s Flapjack Breakfast Fundraiser

Mark your calendars! You are invited to this fundraiser breakfast for WPUC at Applebee’s Neighbourhood Grill & Bar at 1598 Regent Ave. on Sunday September 25th from 8 – 10 am. We’re looking for a few people to help serve and clean-up. We have a sign-up sheet in the lobby with 2 shifts. So you’d […]

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Sunday September 18, 2016 Golf Day

Join us for Golf Day this Sunday September 18th at 2 pm at the Canoe Club followed by supper at WPUC between 5 – 5:30 pm. Cost: Adults $25, Juniors/Seniors $20. Bring a prize…  get a prize! Call Luci at 256-8792 and have her add your name to the list. Just a few more days!

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Blessing of the Backpacks!

Hi Kids! We hope that you had a great first week of school!! DON’T FORGET to bring your backpack on Sunday Sept. 11th for the BLESSING OF THE BACKPACKS! We are also collecting NEW/UNUSED school supplies for students who need a little extra help! Here is the list of school supplies we are looking for: […]

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September 11, 2016 Welcome Back Luncheon

Join us on Sunday September 11, 2016 for a delicious WELCOME BACK LUNCHEON right after worship. Cost: Adults: $5,  12 years and under $2 Menu includes: pork on a bun hot dog / veggie dog coleslaw beans garden veggies refreshments, tea, coffee cupcakes and ice cream  

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Another Summer Term Comes to a Close

I find it interesting how there really is a relative aspect to time. I left Winnipeg this year on June 11th to come to Halifax for my 4th summer. It seemed like such a long time to be away. I know, this year was only to be 5 weeks, as opposed to the usual 6 […]

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So today was the first day of the second week, of our second class, of this summer session. I am taking an advanced preaching course that is titled; “Preaching Past the Post.” In this class we are challenged to write and deliver a sermon in a format that would speak to post-moderns, post-literates, post-christians, basically […]

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