General News

Sharon’s Sabbatical Reflections August 18, 2014

Today I completed Bruce and Kate Epperly’s book, Four Seasons of Ministry.  I had read and excerpt of the book in the Alban Institute newsletter in January and decided then that I needed to get a copy.   It looks at the call to ministry from the perspective of the seasons.  While I found the sections on […]

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Sharon’s Sabbatical Reflections August 17th, 2014

Today I was able to attend worship at First United Church.  It is in downtown Kelowna and one of only two United Churches in this city of 120,000.  I arrived about thirty seconds before  10 am and took my place in the second pew from the back.  I will admit that my worship experience was […]

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My Sabbatical Thoughts

I have just finished reading Barbara Brown Taylor’s, Leaving Church.    She is an Anglican priest who has served her entire ministry in Georgia.  A graduate of Yale Divinity College, she spent ten years as an associate of a large parish in Atlanta and the last five years of her ministry as rector of a small town […]

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We Can See The End

I know that I have not written since before the storm last weekend. So, I shall begin with that event. The storm was really a non-event for us here in Halifax. We had a lot of wind and at time it was gusting to around 100kms/hr but we had very little rain, the storm passed […]

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Another Week Down

It is early on Saturday morning, mid way through my time here in Halifax, as I sit here and type this.  This past week was a short week for classes with the Canada Day holiday, but very heavy on the work. We basically had to days to read numerous chapters in our texts and prepare […]

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Almost 1/3 Done Already?

I cannot believe that I have been down here in Halifax for almost 2 weeks already. It seems like I only just arrived. But then if I think about it and look at the work that I have done, yes, it has been almost 2 weeks. The weather down here has been cool and rainy, […]

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Halifax Again

So, I have arrived in Halifax for another summer term of learning in community. It has been good to get reacquainted  with people and renew friendships. The work begins tomorrow morning as I start my Research Methods course and for the next 6 weeks I will be immersed in school and homework. I appreciate this […]

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Outdoor Worship on June 8

Join us for worship outside at 10:30 a.m. on June 8 (weather permitting). Bring your friends, family, lawn chair and favorite hat! Following worship, stay for our annual church picnic.

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