General News

Trash to Treasure

Did you know we collect the following? Bread Bag Date Tabs – These are passed on to St. Martyrs church and used in crafts to raise funds for wheelchairs in Third World countries.  Deposit in the corner drawer in the back of the Sanctuary. Aluminum Pop Cans – (preferably squished flat)  These are passed on […]

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Worship Council – Do you want to be part of community? – Do you have creative, uplifting worship ideas to share? – Do you want to know more about your faith? – Do you care about what happens in worship? If so, you may be an excellent addition to the Worship Council!  The Worship Council […]

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It’s Spring – Garden Club has started!

It’s time to plant!  Join the Garden club on Tuesday evenings from 7 -8 p.m.  from now until May 20, 2014.  A total of 12 meetings.  Bring a friend or bring your whole family.  The cost is $20.00 per person.  No charge for teenagers or children!  

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Garden Club

Starting on Tuesday March 4, 2014  here at the church,  join the GARDEN CLUB from 7 – 8 pm every Tuesday until May 20, 2014.  A total of 12 meetings.  Bring a friend or bring your whole family.  The cost is $20.00 per person.  No charge for teenagers or children!  

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