General News

Goodness & Grace 2

a conference for congregations who want to reach out and reach deep Goodness and Grace 2 Event A conference for congregations who want to reach out and reach deep! October 25-27, 2013 Windsor Park United Church, Winnipeg, MB. Over 20 workshops on such diverse topics as ‘Branding your church’, ‘How to make your church […]

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1/2 Way Done

So, it has already been 3 weeks and I can’t believe how fast it has gone, only another 3 weeks and I will be flying home to Winnipeg. I am so looking forward to that day, it is tough being away for 6 weeks. I am still  waiting on my final marks for my first […]

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1/3 Of The Way Done

Wow! I can’t believe that 2 weeks has already gone by and I just handed in my last assignment for my Nature and Grace course.  In the last 2 weeks I have handed in 6 papers totaling about 18 pages and with less than a day’s preparation; researched, wrote and preached a sermon on a […]

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1 Week Down

Well there you have it, 1 week down and 5 more to go. It has been a week of reading and writing with a paper due everyday and reading every night. I must admit, this is most definitely intense. It is intense in the workload, intense in the learning and intense in the fellowship of […]

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Another Day In Halifax

Well today will be my third day of classes here in Halifax.  I awoke this morning to a cold, rainy, dreary day, but all is good.  The majority of us are up and attending chapel service at 8:15 every morning and I have signed up, along with 2 other students to lead the chapel services […]

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Day 1 Over And Done

So, first things first, who knew Halifax was built on hills, certainly not me…hahaha.  It is and it is a beautiful city.  I will post some pictures as I am able. I arrived at the school just after 9 on Saturday evening after a long day of traveling which was made that much better as […]

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Leavin On A Jet Plane…..

I was going to do a post tomorrow morning as I prepare to leave, but I thought that might just be a bit much to do in the morning, so I am posting today. Am I ready to leave……hahaha….not by a long shot.  I have not started packing although I did find the bag I […]

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Summer Services

Summer services: will be held during the month of July at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 930 Winakwa Road beginning at 11 am. will be held during the month of August at Windsor Park United Church, 1062 Autumnwood Drive beginning at 10 am.

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