Online Services

Worship Service – March 17, 2024

Fifth Sunday in Lent Thank you to all in leadership this week: Worship Leaders – Susan Spindler (pulpit supply), June Kaan (liturgist) Live Stream – Doug Waldron Music Leadership – Laura Steidl, Myrna Hagues and the Worship Choir Thank you to the Radcliffe family for sharing the flowers from the Celebration of Life Service for […]

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Worship Service – March 10, 2024

Fourth Sunday in Lent Thank you to all in leadership this week: Worship Leaders – Rev. Peter Denton (pulpit supply), June Kaan (liturgist), Pat Lumsden (minute person) Live Stream – Doug Waldron Music Leadership – Laura Steidl, Myrna Hagues and the Worship Choir Click on the picture below for a recording of this week’s service: […]

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Worship Service – March 3, 2024

Third Sunday in Lent/Communion Thank you to all in leadership this week: Worship Leaders – Rev. Peter Denton (pulpit supply), Dorothy Read (liturgist) Live Stream – John Lwiwski Music Leadership – Laura Steidl, Myrna Hagues and the Harmony Singers Reminder to gather your communion elements for the service.  Click on the picture below for a […]

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Worship Service – February 25, 2024

Second Sunday in Lent Thank you to everyone who joined us this morning – it was great to see so many of you in person this week! Thank you to all in leadership this week: Worship Leaders – Padre Matthew Lucas (pulpit supply), Alana Davis (liturgist) Live Stream – Doug Waldron Music Leadership – Laura […]

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Bulletin – Sunday, February 25, 2024 – Second Sunday in Lent

Sunday, February 25, 2024 Second Sunday in Lent We Gather as People of Faith Welcome Announcements Call to Worship One:   Come away and be still. All:      We come to worship God. One:   Come find rest for your weariness. All:      We come to worship God. One:   Come with your joy and sorrow. All:      We come to […]

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Worship Service – February 18, 2024

First Sunday in Lent Thank you to everyone who joined us this morning – it was great to see so many of you in person this week! Thank you to all in leadership this week: Worship Leaders – Millie Lewis (pulpit supply), June Kaan (liturgist), Congregational Update – John Lwiwski Live Stream – John Lwiwski/Doug […]

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Bulletin – Sunday, February 18, 2024 – First Sunday in Lent

Sunday, February 18, 2024 First Sunday in Lent We Gather as People of Faith Welcome Acknowledgement to the Territory: Indigenous peoples, for thousands of years, have walked on this land. We acknowledge the first peoples and their stewardship throughout the ages. The relationship with the land we worship and live on is part of Treaty […]

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Bulletin – February 14, 2024 – Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday Service of Prayer 2024 (adapted from 2021 service at WPUC) Welcome Welcome to this Ash Wednesday prayer service from Windsor Park United Church. Ash Wednesday is an important day in the church calendar. It marks the beginning of Lent, a season of preparation for the celebration of Easter.  During Lent, we tend to […]

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Ash Wednesday Service

Thank you for joining us Thank you to all in leadership for this service:  Worship Leaders – Alana Davis, Sue Turley, Laura Steidl Worship Liturgy – Laura Steidl (inspired by/adapted from WPUC’s 2021 Ash Wednesday service and a blog post by Joe Iovino of United Methodist Communications)  Music Leadership – Laura Steidl, Myrna Hagues and […]

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Worship Service – February 11, 2024

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany/ Transfiguration Sunday Thank you to everyone who joined us this morning in person or via the live stream!  Thank you to all in leadership this week: Worship Leaders – Major Matthew Lucas (guest speaker), Dorothy Read (liturgist) Worship Liturgy – Sue Turley Live Stream – Doug Waldron Music Leadership – Laura […]

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Worship Service – February 4, 2024

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany/Communion Sunday Thank you to everyone who joined us this morning in person or via the live stream!  Thank you to all in leadership this week: Worship Leaders – Millie Lewis (pulpit supply), June Kaan (liturgist), Jan Nazarko (sacramental elder) Congregational Update – Dorothy Read Live Stream – Doug Waldron Music Leadership […]

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