Notes on the Notes

Notes on the Notes – October 16, 2022

World Food Sunday Service music for this week’s service will be led by the Worship Choir. This Week’s Music: “Give Thanks, My Soul, for Harvest” (VU #522) “Give thanks, my soul, for harvest, for store of fruit and grain, But know the owner gives so that we may share again. Where people suffer hunger, or little […]

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Notes on the Notes – October 9, 2022

Thanksgiving Sunday Music for this service will be led by The Harmony Singers. This week’s music: “We Praise You, O God” (VU #218) The title for our hymn book, Voices United,  comes from the third stanza of this hymn.  The words were written by Julia Cory in 1902 at the request of the organist, for a Thanksgiving service at […]

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Notes on the Notes – October 2, 2022

World-Wide Communion Sunday This Week’s Music:  “All Who Hunger” (VU #460) “All who hunger, gather gladly; holy manna is our bread. Come from wilderness and wandering.  Here, in truth, we will be fed. You that yearn for days of fullness, all around us is our food. Taste and see the grace eternal. Taste and see that […]

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Notes on the Notes – September 25, 2022

4th Sunday of Creation Sunday Before National Day of Truth & Reconciliation “Justice!” This Week’s Music:  “Many and Great, O God, Are Your Works” (VU #308) “Many and great, O God, are your works, Maker of earth and sky. Your hands have set the heavens with stars, Your fingers spread the mountains and plains. Lo, […]

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Notes on the Notes – September 18, 2022

Third Sunday in the Season of Creation  “Grief and Loss” This Week’s Music: “A Voice is Heard” “Come, let us praise our God, come let us sing for joy, With a heart of thanks we give honour. You are a mighty God, you are the source of life. Creator God, we give praise. From the deepest […]

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Notes on the Notes – September 11, 2022

Second Sunday in the Season of Creation “To Lament & Grieve”  This Week’s Music: “Come, Just as You Are” “Come just as you are, Hear the Spirit call. Come just as you are – Come and see, come receive, come and live forever. Life everlasting, And strength for today, Taste the Living Water and never […]

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Notes on the Notes – September 4, 2022

First Sunday of Creation  “Rose-Colored Glasses” Communion This Week’s Music:  “We are One” (VU #402)  “We are one as we come, as we come, joyful to be here, In the praise on our lips there’s a sense that God is near. We are one as we sing, as we seek, we are found; And we […]

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Notes on the Notes – June 19, 2022

“Music & Worship” This week’s music:  “Be the Centre”  “Jesus, be the centre, Be my source, be my light, Jesus. Jesus, be the centre, Be my hope, be my song, Jesus. Be the fire in my heart, Be the wind in these sails, Be the reason that I live, Jesus, Jesus. Jesus, be my vision, […]

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Notes on the Notes – June 12, 2022

Trinity Sunday  This week’s music: “Holy, Holy, Holy” (VU #315) “Holy, holy, holy! Lord God almighty; Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee; Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty, God in three persons, blessed Trinity! Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore thee, Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; […]

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Notes on the Notes – June 5, 2022

Pentecost PRIDE Sunday Communion This week’s music: “Draw the Circle Wide” (MV #145) “Draw the circle wide.  Draw it wider still. Let this be our song, no one stands alone, Standing side by side, draw the circle wide. God the still-point of the circle, ‘Round whom all creation turns; nothing lost, but held forever, In God’s […]

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Notes on the Notes – May 29, 2022

Spiritual Cross-fit Week 5 What are We Reflecting? This Week’s Music: “Come and Find the Quiet Centre” (VU #374) “Come and find the quiet centre in the crowded life we lead, Find the room for hope to enter, find the frame where we are freed: Clear the chaos and the clutter, clear our eyes, that we […]

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Notes on the Notes – May 22, 2022

Spiritual Cross-fit Week 4 “Forgive and Forget?” This week’s music:  “Come to My Heart” (VU #661) “Come to my heart, Lord Jesus; teach me to walk in your way. Come to my heart, Lord Jesus; come to my heart today. Give me the peace and joy that only you can bring. Come to my heart, […]

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Notes on the Notes – May 15, 2022

Spiritual Cross-Fit “Prayer as Practice” This Week’s Music:  “I Need Thee Every Hour” (VU #671) “I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord; No tender voice like Thine can peace afford. I need Thee, oh, I need Thee; Every hour I need Thee; Oh, bless me now, my Savior, I come to Thee. I need […]

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Notes on the Notes – May 8, 2022

Spiritual Cross-Fit Where Two or Three are Gathered This week’s music:  “Come In, Come In and Sit Down”  (VU 395 v 1, 2,4) “Come in, come in and sit down, You are a part of the family. We are lost and we are found, And we are a part of the family. You know the […]

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Notes on the Notes – May 1, 2022

Spiritual Cross-Fit Week 1 – Getting Started This Week’s Music:  “God is Here” (VU #389) “God is here! As we your people meet to offer praise and prayer, May we find in fuller measure what it is in Christ we share. Here, as in the world around us, all our varied skills and arts Wait […]

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