
Bulletin – October 23, 2022 – Homecoming Sunday

Sunday, October 23, 2022 Homecoming Sunday Approach Lighting the Christ Candle As we light this candle this morning we are reminded of God’s presence with us in this place and God’s presence with us wherever we go. Help us to remember God is always calling us home into God’s presence, God’s love, God’s grace. We […]

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Worship Service – October 16, 2022

World Food Sunday  This Week’s Worship Team is:  Rev. Patrick Woodbeck, Sarah Closen, Laura Steidl, Myrna Hagues and The Worship Choir. See the bulletin at:  Bulletin To learn more about the service music, please visit Notes on the Notes To view previous services, click on the Worship tab above or visit our YouTube channel by clicking the […]

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Bulletin – Sunday, October 16, 2022 – World Food Sunday

Sunday, October 16, 2022 World Food Sunday Approach Lighting the Christ Candle Creator, as we light this candle today we ask that you come to conspire with us to create a world where all have access to nutritious and sustainable food sources, and none live with scarcity or food insecurity. Redeemer, as we light this […]

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Notes on the Notes – October 16, 2022

World Food Sunday Service music for this week’s service will be led by the Worship Choir. This Week’s Music: “Give Thanks, My Soul, for Harvest” (VU #522) “Give thanks, my soul, for harvest, for store of fruit and grain, But know the owner gives so that we may share again. Where people suffer hunger, or little […]

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Notes on the Notes – October 9, 2022

Thanksgiving Sunday Music for this service will be led by The Harmony Singers. This week’s music: “We Praise You, O God” (VU #218) The title for our hymn book, Voices United,  comes from the third stanza of this hymn.  The words were written by Julia Cory in 1902 at the request of the organist, for a Thanksgiving service at […]

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Worship Service – October 2, 2022

World-Wide Communion Sunday Please click below to view a recording of the service that was livestreamed on October 2. This Week’s Worship Team is:  Rev. Patrick Woodbeck, Gloria Saindon, Laura Steidl, Myrna Hagues and The Worship Choir. See the bulletin at:  Bulletin To learn more about the service music, please visit Notes on the Notes To […]

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Notes on the Notes – October 2, 2022

World-Wide Communion Sunday This Week’s Music:  “All Who Hunger” (VU #460) “All who hunger, gather gladly; holy manna is our bread. Come from wilderness and wandering.  Here, in truth, we will be fed. You that yearn for days of fullness, all around us is our food. Taste and see the grace eternal. Taste and see that […]

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Worship Service – September 25, 2022

Fourth Sunday of Creation “Justice” Please click below to view a recording of the service that was livestreamed on September 25. https://youtu.be/1fP6aulvnOs This Week’s Worship Team is:  Rev. Patrick Woodbeck, Sarah Closen, Laura Steidl, Myrna Hagues and The Worship Choir. See the bulletin at:  http://www.windsorparkunitedchurch.com/bulletin-sunday-september-25-2022-season-of-creation-4/ To view previous services, click on the Worship tab above […]

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Notes on the Notes – September 25, 2022

4th Sunday of Creation Sunday Before National Day of Truth & Reconciliation “Justice!” This Week’s Music:  “Many and Great, O God, Are Your Works” (VU #308) “Many and great, O God, are your works, Maker of earth and sky. Your hands have set the heavens with stars, Your fingers spread the mountains and plains. Lo, […]

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Worship Choir Starts This Week!

Do you enjoy singing and want to have “faith-ful fun” with a great group of people who share your love of music?   Do you want to help our congregation connect to God by leading music and sharing “sermons in song?” The Worship Choir, under the direction of  Laura Steidl, will be practicing on Thursday evenings […]

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Worship Service – September 18, 2022

Third Sunday of Creation “Grief & Loss” Please click below to view a recording of the service that was livestreamed on September 18. This Week’s Worship Team is:  Rev. Patrick Woodbeck, Laura Steidl, Julia Bateman, Sarah Closen, Heather Karavas, Gloria Saindon and Myrna Hagues. To view the full video of “The Magnitude of All Things” […]

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