
Notes on the Notes – November 7, 2021

Remembrance Day – Communion This Week’s Music:  “When Quiet Peace is Shattered” (VU #615) “When quiet peace is shattered by dreadful noise of war, And we are bruised and battered by fighting’s constant roar; Lord, break the silence of your word and let your healing voice be heard. O let your healing voice be heard. […]

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Bulletin – Sunday, November 7, 2021

Sunday, November 7, 2021 Remembrance Sunday / Communion Approach Lighting the Candle God of Light and Love, as we light this candle today we pray for a world of justice, peace, and reconciliation; when the challenges seem too many, this light reminds us of your resurrection power, when the task seems overwhelming, this light reminds […]

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Worship Service – October 31, 2021

“All Our Saints”  Please click here for the Bulletin Click here for Notes on the Notes This week’s worship is led by:  Rev. Patrick Woodbeck and Sarah Closen. Music leadership is provided by:  Laura Steidl, Sarah Closen, Trista Closen, Heather Karavas, Amber Cottreau, Julia Bateman and Gloria Saindon, with Myrna Hagues on piano/organ. The in person service […]

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Notes on the Notes – October 31, 2021

“Our Saints’ Day”  This Week’s Music:  “The Church is Wherever” (VU #579) “The church is wherever God’s people are praising, Singing God’s goodness for joy on this day. The church is wherever disciples of Jesus remember his story and walk in his way. The church is wherever God’s people are helping, Caring for neighbours in […]

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Bulletin – Sunday, October 31, 2021

Sunday, October 31, 2021 Our Saints’ Day Approach Lighting the Candle On this All Saint’s Sunday, as we come to light our Christ Candle, we give thanks, first of all, for all the saints who have held the Christ Light for us when we had no strength to hold it ourselves. We give thanks for […]

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Worship Service – October 24, 2021

Welcome! Please click here for the Bulletin Click here for Notes on the Notes This week’s worship is led by:  Rev. Patrick Woodbeck and Sarah Closen. Music leadership is provided by:  Laura Steidl, Sarah Closen, Trista Closen, Heather Karavas and Amber Cottreau, with Myrna Hagues on piano/organ. To financially support the life and work of the church […]

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Notes on the Notes – October 24, 2021

This Week’s Music: “Praise to the Lord” (VU #835) “Praise to the Lord, all of you, God’s servants, Blessed be the name of our God now and ever. From the rising up of the sun may the Lord be praised, Praise to the name of the Lord. There is none like our God in the […]

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Bulletin – October 24, 2021

Sunday, October 24, 2021 Approach Lighting the Candle As we light this candle today, we feel the glow of God’s love in the glow of this one candle. We feel the glow of Christ’s presence in the glow of this one candle. We feel the glow of the Spirit’s inspiration in the glow of this […]

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Worship Service – October 17, 2021

  Welcome! Please click here for the Bulletin Click here for Notes on the Notes This week’s worship is led by:  Rev. Patrick Woodbeck and Gloria Saindon. Music leadership is provided by:  Laura Steidl, Sarah Closen, Trista Closen, Heather Karavas, Julia Bateman, Amber Cottreau, Gloria Saindon, with Myrna Hagues on piano/organ. To financially support the life […]

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Notes on the Notes – October 17, 2021

World Food Day “Who’s Got the Power?” This Week’s Music: “God is Here” (VU #389 v. 1,2,4) “God is here! As we your people meet to offer praise and prayer, May we find in fuller measure what it is in Christ we share. Here, as in the world around us, all our varied skills and […]

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Bulletin – Sunday, October 17, 2021

Sunday, October 17, 2021 Approach Lighting the Candle As we light this candle, we are reminded of the power of light to overcome darkness, “a light is shining in the darkness, but the darkness does not overtake it.” (John 1:5). This candle reminds us of Jesus who came to a world of darkness and did […]

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Worship Services – October 10, 2021

Please click here for the Bulletin Click here for Notes on the Notes This week’s worship is led by:  Rev. Patrick Woodbeck and Gloria Saindon. Music leadership is provided by:  Laura Steidl, Sarah Closen, Trista Closen, Heather Karavas, Julia Bateman, Amber Cottreau, Gloria Saindon, with Myrna Hagues on piano/organ. To financially support the life and work of […]

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Notes on the Notes – October 10, 2021

Thanksgiving This week’s music:  “We Praise You, O God” (VU #218) The title for our hymn book, Voices United,  comes from the third stanza of this hymn.  The words were written by Julia Cory in 1902 at the request of the organist, for a Thanksgiving service at Brick Presbyterian Church in New York.  The words of the second […]

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Worship Service – October 3, 2021

World-Wide Communion Sunday Please click here for the Bulletin Click here for Notes on the Notes This week’s worship is led by:  Rev. Patrick Woodbeck, Sarah Closen and Gloria Saindon. Music is provided by:  Laura Steidl, Sarah Closen, Trista Closen, Heather Karavas, and Gloria Saindon, with Myrna Hagues on piano/organ. To financially support the life and […]

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Notes on the Notes – October 3, 2021

This week’s music: “All Who Hunger” (VU #460) “All who hunger, gather gladly; holy manna is our bread. Come from wilderness and wandering.  Here, in truth, we will be fed. You that yearn for days of fullness, all around us is our food. Taste and see the grace eternal. Taste and see that God is […]

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