
Bulletin – Sunday, May 24, 2020

May 24, 2020 Seventh Sunday of Easter Approach Candle Lighting Call to Worship Friends, let us worship God today, for God is great— God has blessed us with life, with faith, and with community. Let us worship God today, for God is good— God forgives us, and encourages us, and loves us. Let us worship […]

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Announcements – Sunday, May 24, 2020

OUR MISSION Windsor Park United Church seeks to be a welcoming community. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we nurture our faith and spiritual life by: worshipping and learning together, caring for each other, embracing our diversity, reaching out to those who live around us and working together in service to Creation. […]

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Bulletin – Sunday, May 17, 2020

May 17, 2020 Sixth Sunday of Easter Approach Candle Lighting Call to Worship Live in God’s love! Let that love be poured out for all God’s people! Bring hope and peace to all whom you meet. We are called to be God’s witnesses. Celebrate and rejoice. Praise be to God who has called, healed, and […]

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Announcements – Sunday, May 17, 2020

OUR MISSION Windsor Park United Church seeks to be a welcoming community. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we nurture our faith and spiritual life by: worshipping and learning together, caring for each other, embracing our diversity, reaching out to those who live around us and working together in service to Creation. […]

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Notes on the Notes – May 17, 2020

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished      1 Peter 3:13-22  John 14:15-21 This week’s music: “God, We Praise You for the Morning” (VU #415) “God we praise you for the morning; Hope springs forth with each new day, New beginning, prayer, and promise, Joy in work and in play. God, we praise you for creation, Mountains, […]

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Notes on the Notes – May 10, 2020

Mother’s Day Proverbs 1:20-23 Luke 15:3-10 This week’s music: “I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry” (VU #644) “I was there to hear your borning cry,  I’ll be there when you are old. I rejoiced the day you were baptized,  to see your life unfold. I was there when you were but a child, […]

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Bulletin – Sunday, May 10, 2020

May 10, 2020 Fifth Sunday of Easter / Mother’s Day Approach Candle Lighting Call to Worship In you, O God, every family on earth receives its name. Illumine our homes with the light of your love. We thank you for gifts of love we have received. From our mothers and those who have served as […]

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Announcements – Sunday, May 10, 2020

OUR MISSION Windsor Park United Church seeks to be a welcoming community. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we nurture our faith and spiritual life by: worshipping and learning together, caring for each other, embracing our diversity, reaching out to those who live around us and working together in service to Creation. […]

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Notes on the Notes – May 3, 2020

Our Emmaus Story! Communion Luke 24:13-35 This week’s music: “Jesus, Come to Our Hearts” (VU #324) “Jesus, come to our hearts like falling rain; Come to refresh, Come to renew, Wash all our sins away. Spirit, come to our hearts like rushing wind; Come with your fire, Come with your life, Blow all our doubts […]

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Bulletin – Sunday, May 3, 2020

May 3, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Easter / Communion Approach Candle Lighting Call to Worship We need your presence on the long road, God of the journey. The road between fear and hope, the road between the place where all is lost and the place of resurrection. Like the disciples walking the road to Emmaus, […]

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Announcements – Sunday, May 3, 2020

OUR MISSION Windsor Park United Church seeks to be a welcoming community. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we nurture our faith and spiritual life by: worshipping and learning together, caring for each other, embracing our diversity, reaching out to those who live around us and working together in service to Creation. […]

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