
Notes on the Notes – March 15, 2020

Lent 3 The Edge of Our Need Exodus 17:1-7        John 4:5-42 This week’s music: “Come Just as You Are” “Come just as you are, Hear the Spirit call. Come just as you are – Come and see, come receive, come and live forever. Life everlasting, And strength for today, Taste the Living […]

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Announcements – Sunday, March 15, 2020

OUR MISSION Windsor Park United Church seeks to be a welcoming community. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we nurture our faith and spiritual life by: worshipping and learning together, caring for each other, embracing our diversity, reaching out to those who live around us and working together in service to Creation. […]

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Notes on the Notes – March 8, 2020

Lent 2 The Edge of Others Genesis 12:1-4a       John 3:1-17 This week’s music: “To Abraham and Sarah” (VU #634) “To Abraham and Sarah the call of God was clear; ‘Go forth and I will show you a country rich and fair. You need not fear the journey for I have pledged my word: That you […]

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Announcements – Sunday, March 8, 2020

OUR MISSION Windsor Park United Church seeks to be a welcoming community. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we nurture our faith and spiritual life by: worshipping and learning together, caring for each other, embracing our diversity, reaching out to those who live around us and working together in service to Creation. […]

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Bulletin – Sunday, March 8, 2020

Sunday, March 8, 2020 Second Sunday in Lent Approach Gathering Song – VU #634 – “To Abraham and Sarah” Welcome, lighting the candle and announcements Lighting the Lenten Candle Response One: In our call to be a blessing May we be a blessing true: May we live and die confessing Christ as Lord of all […]

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Notes on the Notes – March 1, 2020

Lent 1 The Edge of Our Temptation Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7            Matthew 4:1-11 This week’s music: “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”  (VU #664) “What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! O what […]

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Announcements – Sunday, March 1, 2020

OUR MISSION Windsor Park United Church seeks to be a welcoming community. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we nurture our faith and spiritual life by: worshipping and learning together, caring for each other, embracing our diversity, reaching out to those who live around us and working together in service to Creation. […]

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Bulletin – Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sunday, March 1, 2020 First Sunday in Lent / Communion Approach Gathering Song – VU #664 – “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” Welcome, lighting the candle and announcements Lighting the Lenten Candle Response One: From the dawning of creation, You have loved us as your own; Stay with us through all temptation, Make […]

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Notes on the Notes – February 26, 2020 at 5 p.m.

Ash Wednesday Scripture Readings: Psalm 104:24-28     Proverbs 2:1-5, 3:5-6 John 15:12-17      Luke 23:32-38 Service Music: “Light of Life Beyond Conceiving” (VU #121) “Light of life beyond conceiving, Mighty Spirit of our Lord; Give new strength to our believing, Give us faith to live your word, Give us faith to live your word.” As we enter […]

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A Time Called…LENT

Some of us may have grown up thinking that Lent was a time to keep personal enjoyment in check and to focus on personal guilt. That emphasis was to ensure we appreciated what Jesus suffered and accomplished in Holy Week. But Lent can also reveal the great blessings of being a Christian. Historical Roots of […]

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Notes on the Notes – February 23, 2020

Transfiguration Sunday Exodus 24:12-18    Matthew 17:1-9 This week is the final Sunday of the season of Epiphany –  Transfiguration Sunday.  On this Sunday, all three of the synoptic gospels tell a story of Peter, James, and John accompanying Jesus to the top of a holy mountain. There, before their eyes, Jesus is transfigured or transformed […]

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Bulletin – Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sunday, February 23, 2020 Transfiguration Approach Gathering Song – VU #585 – “Jesus Bids Us Shine” Welcome, lighting the candle and announcements Call to Worship One: The mountain top, the shining face, the glowing clothes, the voice of God speaking from the cloud, the commandments etched in stone. All: Sometimes God shows up in ways […]

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Announcements – Sunday, February 23, 2020

OUR MISSION Windsor Park United Church seeks to be a welcoming community. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we nurture our faith and spiritual life by: worshipping and learning together, caring for each other, embracing our diversity, reaching out to those who live around us and working together in service to Creation. […]

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Join the Worship Choir for Lent & Easter!

Singers Needed! This year, add another dimension to your Lenten worship by singing with the Worship Choir! We are starting to prepare the music for the Sundays in Lent to support our Lenten theme of “Encounters at the Edge” In addition to the Sundays in Lent, the Worship Choir will also be singing on Good […]

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