
Notes on the Notes – Ash Wednesday

Scripture Readings: Psalm 23               John 10:1-18 Service Music: “Sunday’s Palms are Wednesday’s Ashes” (VU #107) “Sunday’s palms are Wednesday’s ashes as another Lent begins; Thus we kneel before our Maker in contrition for our sins. We have marred baptismal pledges, in rebellion gone astray; Now, returning, seek forgiveness; grant us pardon, God, this day! We […]

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Notes on the Notes – February 11, 2018

This week’s theme: To be Transfigured This week’s scripture readings: 2 Corinthians 4:3-6               Mark 9:2-9 This week’s music: Throughout the season of Epiphany, we have been reflecting on what it means to hear God’s call.  This week’s reading from Corinthians refers to the preaching of the Gospel that dispels darkness.  The light of knowledge that […]

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Feb 11/18 Announcements

Good afternoon everyone! Here is the announcements sheet for this coming week and beyond! Of note: Kal Kneeshaw’s funeral service will be here at the church at 11 am tomorrow, Saturday, Feb.10 ** PLEASE NOTE: I accidentally put this in the announcement sheet as coming up next Saturday. My sincerest apologies for that. It is […]

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Feb 11/18 Bulletin

Good afternoon! Here is the bulletin for this coming Sunday. It’s Transformation Sunday – and we have to be singing two of my favourite hymns! Thanks Laura! Have a good weekend all. FEBRUARY 11, 2018

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Notes on the Notes – February 4, 2018

This week’s theme: The Pay-off! This week’s scripture readings: Isaiah 40:21-31       I Corinthians 9:16-23 This week’s music: As we near the end of the season of Epiphany, we are drawing closer to a deeper understanding of what it means to hear and follow God’s call.  This week, the music centers around our understanding of God […]

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Notes on the Notes – January 28, 2018

This Week’s Theme: To Truly Listen This Week’s Scripture Readings: Deuteronomy 18:15-20                      1 Corinthians 8:1-13 This Week’s Music: For the past two weeks we have been exploring what it means to hear God’s call through the call of Samuel and the calling of the disciples by Jesus.  This week we will continue to […]

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Jan. 28th, 2018 Announcements

Happy Friday everyone! Here is the link for the announcements this week! Thank you to Gillian Foster for being our liturgist! As it is a Contemporary Service this week, there will not be a bulletin, so only one email from me! Have a great weekend, hope to see you Sunday! ~Heather JANUARY 28, 2018

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Notes on the Notes – January 21, 2018

This Week’s Theme: To Follow This Week’s Scripture Readings: Mark 1:14-20    1 Corinthians 7:29-31 This Week’s Music: This week we will continue to explore our response to God’s call.   What does it mean to follow God – to follow Jesus? “Jesus, Teacher Brave and Bold” (VU #605) “Jesus, teacher, brave and bold, Let us serve […]

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Jan 21st Bulletin

Good afternoon everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying this break in the weather as much as I am! Thanks to Melissa Davidson, Gloria Waldron, and Gail Paton for being our Welcome Ministry this week, say Hi on yopur way in! See you  Sunday! JANUARY 21, 2018

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Notes on the Notes – January 14, 2018

This week’s theme:  Are We Listening? This week’s scripture readings: 1 Samuel 3:1-10     John 1:43-51 This week’s music: All of the music this week is centered around the idea of hearing God’s call.  Do we hear when God calls? And what is our response? “Walk With Me” (VU #649) “Walk with me, I will walk […]

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Jan. 14th Announcement sheet

Hello everyone! Please find the link to view this week’s announcement sheet! There is an Executive meeting on Sunday at noon, a Worship Council Meeting on Monday at 6:30pm, and the YAHs are meeting on Friday! Have a fabulous weekend and please stay warm! Heather JANUARY 14, 2018

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Jan 14th Bulletin

Good day everyone, here is the bulletin for this coming Sunday. You may notice a theme around “Follow”, as we remember and learn new ways of what it means to truly follow Christ. Thank you to Anne Thoroughgood for being our Liturgist, and thank you to Sylvia Cassie, Shirley Goossen and Sylvia Mann (its her […]

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