
Notes on the Notes – April 3, 2016

This week’s theme: Why the Christian church exists at all This week’s scripture reading: Acts 5:27-32 This week’s music: “Now the Green Blade Rises” (VU #186) “Now the green blade rises from the buried grain, Wheat that in dark earth many days has lain; Love lives again, that with the dead has been: Love is […]

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Symbols of our Lenten Journey

Ash Wednesday – “Hungering for a fresh start” What is the ‘emptiness’?     Why can’t you buy what you need to fill the emptiness? Lent 1 –  “Hungering and thirsting for the WORD”          Imagine a world in which there was no Bible? Imagine not having the stories of faith that have given us a glimpse […]

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Notes on the Notes – March 25, 2016 – Good Friday

Hungering and Thirsting for Salvation “Beneath the Cross of Jesus” (VU #135) “Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand:  the shadow of a mighty rock within a weary land, a home within the wilderness, a rest upon the way, from the burning of the noon-tide heat and the burden of the […]

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