
News from China – Farewell to Beijing

“A Bridge Towards Friendship” by Patti Talbot: https://chinadelegationucc.wordpress.com/2015/12/09/a-bridge-towards-friendship/ “Farewell to Beijing” by Betsy Anderson https://chinadelegationucc.wordpress.com/2015/12/10/farewell-to-beijing/

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The United Church Delegation to China – More Experiences to Share

“300 km/hr to Beijing” by David Jones: https://chinadelegationucc.wordpress.com/2015/12/07/300kmhr-to-beijing/   “Experiences of the Church in China” by Nora Sanders: https://chinadelegationucc.wordpress.com/2015/12/07/467/ “Advent 2: Beijing” by Janet Gear: https://chinadelegationucc.wordpress.com/2015/12/08/advent-two-beijing/ “Visit to Haidian Church, Beijing” by Vilvan Gunasingham https://chinadelegationucc.wordpress.com/2015/12/08/visit-to-haidian-church-beijing/ “Cooperation in Partnership” by by Dr. LIN Manhong, Associate General Secretary, CCC and Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Christian Ethics […]

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More from the China Delegation

“Historical Overviews Ground the Theological Consultation” by Craig Perry: https://chinadelegationucc.wordpress.com/2015/12/05/historical-overviews-ground-the-theological-consultation/ “Our China Visit as Ecumenical Pilgrimage” by Gail Allan: https://chinadelegationucc.wordpress.com/2015/12/06/our-china-visit-as-ecumenical-pilgrimage/ “If You are Planning for a Lifetime, Educate People” by Maylanne Maybee: https://chinadelegationucc.wordpress.com/2015/12/06/if-you-are-planning-for-a-lifetime-educate-people/

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Sharon’s China Adventure Part 6

Hi all, It was yet another very early start.  The sky was a hazy brown when our group headed to church, Haidan Christian Church in NW Beijing.  We attended one of the seven services they have each Sunday.  That is only the tip of this church’s reach:  they have 58 meeting places in other parts of […]

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Sharon’s China Adventure Part 5

Hi all!Today started before 6 am as we had an trip on the bullet train to Beijing.  The Nanjing north train station looks like it is a set for a Star Trek episode.  It is ultra modern  .  As we had been warned, the train doors open for only a short time so we had to […]

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Notes on the Notes – Sunday, December 6, 2015 – Advent 2

This week’s theme:  ADVENT 2/Communion This week’s scripture readings:               Luke 1:68-79 – Song of Zechariah: “Blessed be the God of Israel….And you will be called the prophet of the Most High.”               Luke 3:1-6 – When speaking of John the Baptist, Luke quotes the prophecy of the coming Messiah from Isaiah – a voice […]

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China Update

Here are the latest posts on the blog for the United Church delegation to China: “Greetings from Nanjing” by Sarah Harrington  https://chinadelegationucc.wordpress.com/2015/12/03/greetings-from-nanjing/ “Upon further Reflection” by Sharon https://chinadelegationucc.wordpress.com/2015/12/03/upon-further-reflection/ “The Centerpiece of the Visit – Consultation at Nanjing Union Theological Seminary” by Dan Hayward https://chinadelegationucc.wordpress.com/2015/12/04/centerpiece-of-visit-consultation-at-nanjing-union-theological-seminary/ To go directly to the site, go to the bottom of […]

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Sharon’s China Adventure Part 4

Now…..today was the first day of the conference at Nanjing Union Theological Seminary.  My presentation on church and society was paired with a presentation on feminist theology in the Chinese church which was very interesting.  The professor began with looking at Mary as the traditional model for religious women.   In China 70% of new members are […]

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Sharon’s China Adventure Part 3

I will not say too much about our full day in Suzhou since I’ve made two blogposts on the UCC delegation page.  Today we were up early and off on the bus to Nanjing.  I don’t know if I have mentioned already but I have been surprised at the extent of English signage on the highways, streets […]

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