See What We’re Doing!

Worship services are on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m.
A warm welcome is waiting for you at 1062 Autumnwood Drive,
where you will find enthusiastic, thought-provoking sermons that are relevant to our world today.
We are currently between ministers, but offer a variety of ordained ministers and lay leaders leading worship each week and offering different perspectives on the journey of faith.
What you will find when you come to church on Sunday morning:
Our church is fully accessible with parking in the church lot and a ramp into the church building. We are a mask-friendly building and follow health protocols as required.
The service order is projected onto a screen. If you prefer to use a hymn book for singing, please take one from the book stand near the back of the sanctuary.
An offering plate is available at the back of the sanctuary if you wish to make a donation. The plate is brought forward for blessing at the offering time in the service.
The back table is also where you can find a communion cup on communion Sundays. The communion cup consists of a top layer containing a wafer and a bottom layer with juice (with peel-off plastic). It is our tradition to take the elements together when indicated in the service.
There is often coffee after church – a time for conversation and connection!
If you have any questions, please ask!
If you would like to transfer your membership from another church, or for information on becoming at member of Windsor Park United Church through baptism or confirmation, please call the church office at 204-256-8792.
Get involved!
- Our Outreach programs give you an opportunity to make a difference helping with meals at West Broadway Community Ministry, helping with programs for inner city children at Rossbrook House, Christmas hampers, and more! (ongoing – call the church office at 204-256-8792 for more information).
- The Worship Choir leads the singing in worship on Sundays from September to June. Youth, young adults and adults are welcome to join this group led by Laura Steidl. Practice times are on Thursday evenings at 7:45 p.m. Practices for the seasons of Lent and Easter start on Thursday, March 6. Come sing with us!
- Our UCW (United Church Women) has groups and activities for the women of the congregation. Please contact the church office for more information!
- Wednesday afternoon coffee time at the “Holy Grounds Café” is an opportunity to meet and make new friends while enjoying conversation. Come and join this lively group for coffee on Wednesday afternoons at 1 p.m. This group runs throughout the year so drop in on Wednesday!
- Our Thursday morning study group meets weekly on Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m. If you are interested in joining this group, you are welcome each Thursday morning!
- Looking for more ways to get involved? Go to: Faith in Action at WPUC
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