Faith in Action – March 18, 2025

Season of Lent – Please join us for worship during Lent as we journey toward Good Friday and Easter Sunday.  Our Lenten season started with an online service on Ash Wednesday.
On March 9, the first Sunday in Lent, we were led by Rev. Heather Robbins.
On March 16, the second Sunday in Lent, we were led by Rev. Jeff Cook
(click on the links above to see those services)

Upcoming Services:
March 23 – Lent 3 – Rev. Martha McDowell
March 30 – Lent 4 – Rev. Jeff Cook
April 6 – Lent 5 – Rev. Martha McDowell
April 13 – Palm Sunday – Rev. Heather Robbins
April 18 – Good Friday – Rev. Martha McDowell (Service time is 10:30 a.m.)
April 20 – Easter Sunday – Rev. Martha McDowell

Lenten Memory Tree – As we journey through Lent, the Pastoral Care committee invites you to participate in our memory tree.  You are invited to take one of the note cards supplied to leave a name/message in memory of someone you are missing and then place it on the Memory Tree at the back of the Sanctuary.

Easter Lily Memorial – Once again, we invite you to place an Easter Lily in the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday (April 20) in celebration of a loved one’s memory or in honour of someone dear to you. Purchase an Easter Lily and bring it in on Thursday, Friday or Sunday (April 17/18/20).  These lilies will enhance our worship during our Easter Service on Sunday, April 20th. A list of lily donors and honourees will be published on our website and in the weekly newsletter. A sign-up sheet is in the Narthex. Lilies should be taken home after worship – any unclaimed lilies will be shared with local personal care facilities.

Bible Study Invitation – The Thursday Study Group invites you to join them on Thursday, April 3 from 9:30 – 11 a.m. for a morning discussion with Rev. Jeff Cook.  Jeff will be speaking about the book he co-authored with the Right Rev. Water Farquharson, “An Audacious Invitation.”  You do not need to have read the book to attend!

Plan to Attend – Annual Meeting!  Our annual meeting will be taking place on Sunday, March 30 at 11:30 a.m. (following worship).  Please bring your questions and suggestions as we move forward with the life and work of Windsor Park United Church.  Annual Reports have been sent out via email and there are paper copies available at the church.

Save the Date – UCW Worship Service!  Did you know that this year marks the 100th anniversary of the United Church of Canada?  In celebration of the role of women in the church, the UCW will be leading worship on Sunday, May 4.  Please join us for this special service!  (and a special invitation goes out to all current and former members of WPUCs UCW groups!)

Emergency Food Cupboard – Thank you to everyone who continues to add to our Food Cupboard! We currently have need for the following: powdered milk, peanut butter, broth soups, instant coffee, crackers, cereal, pasta, pasta sauces, items that children can take to school for snacks, juice boxes, canned tuna, beans, muffin mixes, canned fruits and vegetables, cat and dog food.

Hearing Assists – Did you know that we have devices to amplify the Sunday service available to borrow from the office?  If this is something you might want to try, please call the church office during the week and we will have one reserved for you for Sunday morning!

Mobility Aid Lending – Did you know that WPUC has wheelchairs, walkers and canes that can be borrowed by congregation members? If you have a short-term need of one of these items, please call the church office (204-256-8792).

Soup Lunch – Thank you to everyone who came out to the Soup Lunch Fund-raiser on March 9! Through your generous support, the soup lunch raised $700! Special thanks to those who stayed after lunch to help with the clean-up!

Pastoral Care Group – If you are aware of anyone from our church community who might benefit  from Pastoral Care support, you can speak with Sue Turley ( or 204-256-8792) to share discreetly. If you have some time in your schedule to connect with a shut-in or hospitalized individual from our church community by phone or in person, please reach out to Pat Lumsden ( or 204-254-6301) for more information.

Hymn Books – We have a number of Voices United and More Voices hymn books that we are looking to rehome.  If you know of an organization or residence that could use these, please speak with Laura or Sue (make sure to get the OK from the receiving end first!)  If you would like a hymn book for your own use at home, check out the next book sale (upcoming date T.B.A)!

Pew Cushions – As we find that we no longer have a need for so many pew cushions, we are hoping to find them a new life after their many years of faithful service at WPUC.  Perfect for everything from cold bleachers (hockey arenas/next year’s Grey Cup?) to extra support in lawn chairs, this may be a great item that you didn’t even know you needed!  Check them out at the next book sale or speak to Laura or Alana to get your cushions by donation!

Special Prayers

From Prairie to Pine

  • Our thoughts and prayers are with the loved ones of Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran, family, friends, and community members, as confirmation of the identification of their remains now allows for appropriate celebration of life ceremonies to take place in accordance with Indigenous culture.  We are grateful for all who have participated in the search process and those who have supported the families and affected communities during this time.
  • Our thoughts and prayers are with all Canadians in this time of political transition and also with our Prime Minister, Mark Carney.
  • Our thoughts and prayers are with those whose lives and livelihoods will continue to be impacted by the changes in the economic relationship between the United States and Canada, especially the uncertainty related to the introduction of tariffs. In Manitoba, we think especially of those in the agricultural industry, pork producers, steel manufacturers, truckers, and small business owners affected by supply chain issues just to name a few. The uncertainty about the degree of impact on the economy is resulting in anxiety for many.
  • Our thoughts and prayers are with many who have been and continue to be impacted by the COVID 19 virus as we mark the fifth anniversary of the first diagnosed case of Covid 19 in Manitoba on March 12, 2020. We remember the challenges of the various phases of that journey globally, locally, and in our own lives, the changes, the learnings, and the ways it helped us to appreciate the significant contributions of many to our everyday lives and the functioning of our societies.

From the Council of Churches:

An Ash Wednesday Reflection and Prayer – Canada at a Crossroads   (click on Read the full reflection English at the bottom of the linked page)

Beyond Our Walls:

SATURDAY!! Vegan Market – Tell your friends and family!  WPUC will be the site of a Vegan Market – Herbivore Haven – THIS Saturday, March 22 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.  Let’s support these local businesses by coming out and supporting those taking part! Free admission!









Broadview Magazine – Broadview magazine (formerly The Observer) can help keep you up-to-date on spiritual issues in Canada and the world.  Find out more at: 

SLEEP IN HEAVENLY PEACE – Plans are being made for another Bed Build at the end of May to support the local non-profit organization, Sleep in Heavenly Peace. We hope once again to provide labour, enthusiasm, and some much-needed supplies to the special crew of SHP volunteers. More information to follow after Easter.

Also, after Easter, we will begin collecting donations of new bedding. If you find a great deal on (twin-sized) sheet sets, pillows, comforters/blankets, OR you would like to make a quilt/afghan in the coming month, you can bring your contribution in on Sunday mornings or during office hours between April 21st and May 22nd. Tables will be set up at the back of the sanctuary for all items that are contributed. Any support that you can provide will be greatly appreciated. The bedding will be presented to the SHP team on the day of our Bed Build (May 31 – more info to follow) for use when the beds are delivered to children in need.

Categories: General News