Faith in Action – May 1, 2024

After church coffee – Thank you to those who have hosted coffee time after church and also to those who have donated treats and helped out with serving/washing up/putting away chairs, etc!  It would be helpful if people signed up for the Sundays in May so we’re not left scrambling on Sunday mornings (and also to give the regular coffee makers a week off now and then!!)  Also, feel free to bring treats for people to enjoy with their coffee! (no sign-up required!)

Used Book Sale –  The next Book Sale is Sunday, May 19, 2024 before and after worship.  There is something for everyone, so bring your spare change to support this ongoing fundraiser!

ANNUAL MEETING – Thank you to everyone who attended the  Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, April 21 after church.  Communication continues to be important as we move forward as a faith community and if was great to see so many people come out to hear our next steps going forward.  If you missed the meeting, the Annual Report is available at: 

Paper copies are also available at the church.

Offering counters – Thank you to those who continue to answer this call!  We are currently in need of offering counters for all of May.  Counting occurs after worship each week. There is a sign-up sheet by the office and training/support is available if you’d like to give it a try!

Pastoral Care Group – Thank you to those who are beginning work on the Pastoral Care Group! If you are aware of anyone from our church community who might benefit from Pastoral Care support, you can speak with Sue Turley ( or 204-256-8792) to share discreetly.  If you have some time in your schedule to connect with a shut-in or hospitalized individual from our church community by phone or in person, please reach out to Pat Lumsden ( or 204- 254-6301) for more information.

SLEEP IN HEAVENLY PEACE –  In support of the local non-profit organization, Sleep in Heavenly Peace, we will be hosting a “Bed Build” on Saturday, May 25th.  We will meet in the church parking lot to provide the labour and work (assembly-line fashion) under the direction of a core group of volunteers from SIHP. All materials and equipment will be supplied. Our goal is to build 20 bed frames during the event. NO BUILDING EXPERIENCE is required to participate so please consider helping as you are able.

Registration for the build is limited to 20 volunteers and there are only a few spots left,
so sign up now at the church!

We will also be collecting bedding prior to the Bed Build. If you find a great deal on (twin-sized) sheets, comforters/blankets, and pillows OR you would like to make a blanket/quilt/afghan in the coming months, all donations will be gratefully accepted. The bedding donations will be presented to the SIHP team for use when the beds are delivered to children in need.


COOKIE BAKERS for West Broadway Community Ministry Meals – “THANK YOU” for your ongoing support in bringing in cookies for WBCM!  If you can bake and donate a few dozen cookies of any kind (at any time that suites your schedule), please label the package “FOR WEST BROADWAY” and bring your donation to the church during office hours or before Sunday worship at the church. Donations will be stored in the freezer until the next meal preparation/delivery day. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

Categories: General News, Sunday Bulletin and Announcements