Faith in Action – November 22, 2024

Book Sale – Our book sale continues to be a popular “small but mighty” fund raiser! There will be another book sale this Sunday (Nov. 24) before and after church in the lobby.  Thanks for your support and special thanks to those folks who set up and take down the book display!

1,921 Technical Problems Stock Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from DreamstimeTechnology issues at WPUC – We have been having some frustrating issues with our technology at WPUC, but seem to be getting somewhere in our solutions!
Thank you for your patience as we work through these issues! 

Taking Care of Each Other – It’s that time of year again!  We ask that you do not come to the church if you are feeling under the weather. All of our worship services can be viewed under the Worship tab above, or by visiting our YouTube channel! 

Sing with the Worship Choir for Advent!  – The Worship Choir has just started practicing music for Advent/Christmas.  It’s not too late to join in the fun! Practices are on Thursdays from 7:45-9:15 p.m. Get in the spirit with a short-term commitment!  We’d love to sing with you!

Craft Sale –The Craft Sale will be on Saturday, November 30 from 10 a.m-3 p.m.!
For tables or information, please contact Jan at 204-792-5798 or **NEW! – click for a list of vendors – 2024 Vendors

Thinking of You Baskets – The Pastoral Care Committee is planning to deliver “Thinking of You” baskets to our members who have had a challenging time recently. The baskets will be packaged on Sunday, December 1st after the service and donations are welcome before then. Items might include hard candies, chocolates, lotions, soaps, body wash etc. in small sizes. Items can be left on the table at the back of the church during office hours or at Sunday services. Thanks in advance for your generosity!

Cookie Walk – The Cookie Walk will be on Saturday, December 7 from 10-11:30 a.m.  Come out and fill a box for $15.

We also need people to bake the cookies!  This event is only a success due to the amazing cookies that are baked and donated!

And… there is a need for volunteers to help the day before and day of the Cookie Walk! Sign-up sheets for cookie donations and volunteering are in the lobby at the church. Please help where you are able! 

The Mitten Tree – During the coming weeks watch for our  Mitten Tree to be on display! We invite you to donate new or gently-used winter accessories for children and teens. Needed items include mittens, gloves, scarves, neck-warmers, socks, tuques, and ear muffs. Please place the items on or under the tree to help us decorate it. In early January, all donations will be gathered and delivered to Rossbrook House and Splash Day Care for distribution to children in need.

The packing begins!

Christmas Hampers – With the support of many friends, your Outreach Council will be preparing Christmas hampers for 12 families/individuals this season. Ten of the hampers will be delivered to single pensioners living in this area whose names we will receive from the Christmas Cheer Board Feed-a-Family program; two will be given to families who have connections with WPUC members. The CCB provides guidelines for the perishable/non-perishable items and children’s gifts to be included in each hamper so we anticipate the total cost will be approximately $1400 this year.  If you are interested in supporting this project, you can help by doing any of the following:

  • Wrap gifts and/or pack hampers at WPUC on Tuesday, December 10th from 10:00 a.m. – noon.  (A sign-up sheet will be posted in the narthex.)
  • Enlist the aid of a trusty sidekick to help you deliver a hamper to its recipient during the week of Dec. 9th-14th at a time that suits your schedule. (A sign-up sheet will be posted in the narthex.)
  • Make a donation to offset the cost of this project.  You can insert your donation in an envelope labeled with your offering number, the amount you wish to donate, and indicate that you want the funds directed to “CHRISTMAS HAMPERS”.  Donations can be placed in the offering plate, dropped off in the office during the week, or sent by e-transfer, making sure that you indicate that it is for hampers in the message area.

Thank-you to one and all for your support of this project.  It is a time-honoured tradition at WPUC and a fitting way to share the spirit of the season with our neighbours. Merry Christmas!

WPUC Pictorial Directory – Thank you to everyone who came to have their photo taken for the church directory – you looked amazing!  If you didn’t make it to a photo shoot, watch for new dates coming soon!

Remembrance Day Sunday service – Thank you to everyone who submitted photos and shared their family stories for this year’s Remembrance Sunday slide show.  We have received many positive comments about how much your photos added to the service.

Save the Date – Soup Sunday is back!  Join us in the North room after service on Sunday, Jan. 19th for our January soup lunch!  More info to follow.

Smiley - WikipediaGreetersThank you to everyone who has served as a greeter this fall. Your friendly smile is the first thing people see as they come in the door and your welcome makes a big difference to new-comers, returning folk and regular members!

Offering Counters – Thank you to everyone who has served as an offering counter.  There are limited spaces available through December – sign up now!

Coffee makers and clean-up crews – Sign up sheets for after-church coffee are up near the office.  Please sign up at least a week in advance.  Even if you aren’t officially “on coffee,” you are welcome to bring goodies to share, or help with the clean up!

Pastoral Care Group – Thank you to all of the people serving on our pastoral care group.  Your visits, phone calls and cards make a difference!  If you are aware of anyone from our church community who might benefit from Pastoral Care support, you can speak with Sue Turley  ( or 204-256-8792) to share discreetly.  If you have some time in your schedule to connect with a shut-in or hospitalized individual from our church community by phone or in person, please reach out to Pat Lumsden ( or 204- 254-6301) for more information.

Emergency Food Cupboard – WPUC’s Emergency Food Cupboard continues to need items on a regular basis.  Items needed include peanut butter, instant coffee, crackers, cereal, pasta, pasta sauces, items that children can take to school for snacks, juice boxes, tuna, beans, muffin mixes, canned fruits and vegetables. Cat and dog food are also appreciated as some using our services have four-footed family members. You are welcome to drop off donations during office hours or on Sunday mornings. Please leave donations on the counter in the upstairs kitchen.  Thank you to everyone who has brought in food over the last month!

Request for Pill Bottles – We are still collecting empty pill bottles to support two ongoing projects in the city. If you have any bottles to contribute, please ensure that these are clean and that all labeling has been removed.  You can place the pill bottles in the Outreach Bin which is located between the two sets of doors at the church entrance during regular office hours or on Sunday mornings. Some of the bottles are directed to a group of volunteers who fill those with shampoo for distribution to homeless members of our community. Other bottles are shared with the veterinary team at the Winnipeg Humane Society for dispensing medication to animals in their care. Thank-you for any donations you are able to make.

Growing Our WPUC Community – It’s wonderful to see so many people out to worship on Sundays as well as a growing number of folks in our mid-week groups.  We’re looking forward to connecting with more of you as we move into our Advent activities. WPUC is a great place to be! 

Categories: General News, Sunday Bulletin and Announcements