Faith in Action – We’re getting there!

As we reconnect and move through the fall season, let’s all pitch in to keep WPUC running smoothly!

  1. Livestream – We are looking for 2 or 3 more people to learn how to livestream – all training supplied!  Your commitment would be one Sunday per month.  This ministry brings our Sunday morning service to those who cannot attend in person and, as we enter the fall viral season, will continue to be an important ministry in our building. Please call the church office at 204-256-8792 for more information.

  2. Thank you to everyone who offered to welcome people to church on Sunday mornings in the role of greeters!  If you are still interested in adding your name to our greeter team, speak to Alana or call the church office!

  3. Do you enjoy having some time to visit after church?  We are looking for hosts for October to make coffee/tea/juice for after church fellowship!  Providing cookies is not the job of the hosts, so we are also looking for people to bring in cookies/cake, etc. – it would be much appreciated!  After church fellowship is a great time to catch up, visit, and build community with others in the congregation. Sign-up sheets are by the office and supplies are provided.  Help with set-up/clean-up can be arranged if needed.  This community-building opportunity will not be available unless people sign up!

  4. Offering counters – Thank you to those who have answered this call!  Reminder to sign-up for the weeks you would like to count.  Sign-up sheets are by the office.

  5. Liturgists – Thank you to everyone who offered to be liturgists – we currently have enough liturgists to cover the fall months!  If you are still interested in being a liturgist (we can never have too many!), call Sue at the church office (204-256-8792)

  6. Telephone/Visiting buddies – Pastoral care is a vital role in the life and work of the church.  If you would like to be a part of the group calling or visiting others in the congregation, please let the office know. Thank you to those who have offered to do hospital visits!

  7. Book Sellers – We would like to get our monthly after-church book sale up and running again, but need a few helpers.  The job involves setting up a few tables and putting out books before church on a scheduled Sunday (once every 4-6 weeks) and then putting the books back in the cupboard after coffee time.  Let us know if you can help. This is a “small but mighty” fundraiser!

  8. Are you part of the “Pitch-in Crew?” This is the group of unsung heroes of Windsor Park United Church!  They are the people who look around, see a need, and get it done! No sign-up necessary, just pitch in!  Some opportunities might be:
    – being an “unofficial” welcoming face, keeping an eye out for newcomers who look like they could use a friendly hello, or need help finding things like communion cups, washrooms, etc.
    – helping put away chairs/tables after use
    – keeping an eye on the upstairs kitchen and washing up as needed
    – tidying the Little Free Library
    – and more!

Faith Beyond Our Walls:

1. Please view the statement from the United Church of Canada:

Flag flying on a flagpole in the pride rainbow colours, the transgender colours, and the intersex purple circle.

Call to Act: Join in Solidarity with the 2SLGBTQIA+ Community

2. From now until October 15, we will be collecting food for Manitoba Harvest.  Donations of non-perishable food items or cash can be dropped off during church office hours or on Sunday mornings.  The food will be picked up by Manitoba Harvest on October 16.



Categories: General News