Notes on the Notes – December 5, 2021

Advent 2
Our Deepest Gifts – Peace
This week’s music:
“Light a Candle”
“Light a candle for peace in the darkness,
Souls content, we know you are near;
Advent watching and waiting for Jesus,
God with us, resolving our fears,
Emmanuel, peace is here;
Peace is here!”
This beautiful new Advent song was written by Lisa Waites in 2018. This week we will be using the second verse, which focuses on peace.
“There’s a Voice in the Wilderness” (VU #18)
“There’s a voice in the wilderness crying, a call from the ways untrod:
Prepare in the desert a highway, a highway for our God!
The valleys shall be exalted, the lofty hills brought low;
Make straight all the crooked places where God, our God, may go!
O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up to the heights and sing!
Proclaim to a desolate people the coming of their King.
Like the flowers of the field they perish, like grass our works decay;
The power and pomp of nations shall pass, like a dream, away.
But the world of our God endureth, whose are is ever strong;
God stands in the midst of nations, and soon will right the wrong.
God shall feed the flock like a shepherd, the lambs so gently hold;
To pastures of peace will lead them, and bring them safe to fold.
There’s a voice in the wilderness crying, a call from the ways untrod:
Prepare in the desert a highway, a highway for our God!
The valleys shall be exalted, the lofty hills brought low;
Make straight all the crooked places where God, our God, may go!”
This hymns reminds us of John the Baptist, who heralded the coming of the new Messiah. Often, on our journey in the wilderness, we need someone to point us in the right direction. This hymn commemorates the union in 1925 of the Canadian Congregational and Methodist churches with a large portion of the Canadian Presbyterian churches to form the United Church of Canada. The author, James Lewis Milligan, a journalist and lay Methodist preacher, was the director of public relations for the uniting churches between 1922 and 1925. Henry Hugh Bancroft, organist and choirmaster of All Saints’ Cathedral (Anglican) in Edmonton, composed the music.
Hear the hymn at:
“When God is a Child” (VU #7 v. 2)
“Peace is a ribbon that circles the earth,
Giving a promise of safety and worth.
When God is a child there’s joy in our song.
The last shall be first and the weak shall be strong,
And none shall be afraid.”
We will be using one verse of this hymn by Brian Wren for each week of Advent. The words of the song will be reflected in our Advent art work. Brian Wren wrote this hymn for Hyde Park United Methodist Church in Chicago in Advent 1985. The tune MOON BEAMS was composed for Wren’s text by Joan Collier Fogg in 1987.
“Blest Be the God of Israel” (VU #901)
“Blest be the God of Israel, who comes to set us free;
Who visits and redeems us and grants us liberty.
The prophets spoke of mercy, of freedom and release;
God shall fulfill the promise and bring the people peace.
Now from the house of David a child of grace is given;
A Saviour comes among us to raise us up to heaven.
Before him goes the herald, forerunner in the way,
The prophet of salvation, the harbinger of Day.
On prisoners of darkness the sun begins to rise;
The dawning of forgiveness upon the sinner’s eyes,
To guide the feet of pilgrims along the paths of peace;
O bless our God and Saviour with songs that never cease!”
This hymn is a paraphrase of the Song of Zechariah, which we will be reading this week from the book of Luke. Zechariah was the father of John the Baptist. The words are by Michael Arnold Perry (1942-1996), who was one of the UK’s leading hymn-writers of the 20th century. Hal Hopson composed MERLE’S TUNE for this text in 1985.
“Where is He, Immanuel?”
“Where is He, the One who comes to save?
Where is He, O Israel?
Ages pass, the world awaits His birth.
Where is He, Immanuel?
Counsellor, who comforts all who mourn,
Bringing captive souls release,
Where is He, the Child of Bethlehem?
Where is He, the Prince of Peace?
On that day, every valley is exalted!
Through the desert, the flowers bloom and grow.
Praise ring and resound through all creation.
Every hill, every mountain are made low.
Prophets say He comes to teach and heal.
Lame will walk, the blind will see.
On that day, the promise is revealed
From a branch of Jesse’s tree.
Where is He, the One who comes to save?
Where is He, O Israel?
Ages pass, the world awaits His birth.
Where is He, Immanuel?
Where is He, Immanuel?”
With reference to the prophecy of Isaiah, this week’s anthem is written by Trilby Carter Jordan and David Angerman (2011).
“Christmas Peace”
“Lord, be born in our hearts this day.
Christ-child spirit bring peace we pray.
Make the wars of the world to cease,
Bring us Lord, Christmas peace.
Christmas peace, Christmas peace,
Bring us Lord, Christmas peace.
Lord, the world cries for unity.
Bind our hearts in community.
From all hatred our souls release,
Bring us Lord, Christmas peace.
Christmas peace, Christmas peace,
Bring us Lord, Christmas peace.
Lord, be born in us every day.
Keep the world in your peace always.
Christ-child spirit in us increase.
Bring us Lord, Christmas peace.
Christmas peace, Christmas peace,
Bring us Lord, Christmas peace.”
The words and music for our closing hymn are by Richard Blank (1973).
“There’s a Song of Peace”
“There’s a song of peace in my heart;
Peace is a gift from Jesus.
There’s a song of peace in my heart;
Peace is a gift from God.
Alleluia! Peace in my heart is singing praises.
Alleluia! Peace is a gift from God.”
Our benediction response for the season of Advent was written by Handt Hanson (1996) with piano adaptation by Henry Wiens.
Bonus videos:
John Denver & the Muppets sing “The Peace Carol”
Children sing “Prince of Peace”:
Categories: General News, Notes on the Notes, Worship
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