Notes on the Notes – January 30, 2022

Are You Ready?
This week’s music:
“Many are the Lightbeams” (VU #588 v. 1)
“Many are the light beams from the one light.
Our one light is Jesus.
Many are the light beams from the one light;
We are one in Christ.”
In 1972, Anders Frostenson, a Swedish pastor and hymn writer, wrote this paraphrase of a passage from “De Unitat ellesiae” by Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage (252 A.D.). The English translation is by David Lewis (1983). The tune was written by Swedish composer Olle Widestrand and arrranged by Leonard Lythgoe of Vancouver. We will again be using the first verse following the lighting of the Christ candle.
“You, Creator God, Have Searched Me” (MV #131)
“You, Creator God, have searched me and you know my ways.
You perfectly understand me, It’s my cause of praise.
I cannot escape your presence in air, land or sea.
Your arms of love and protection are always with me.
You know me, O God, you have made me.
I am proud I’m the work of your hand.
In my waking and sleeping moments,
With my being I will praise your name.
You created light and darkness and you love them both.
You blessed the womb of my mother, you brought me to birth.
In your image and your likeness wonderfully made.
I will lift my voice to praise you, you are God indeed.”
This lively calypso song is by George Mulrain, ordained minister of the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and Americas. The lyrics are a paraphrase of Psalm 139 and also reflect the sentiments of Jeremiah 1:5. The arrangement we will be using was written for More Voices in 2007.
“Open My Eyes” (VU #371)
“Open my eyes, that I may see glimpses of truth thou hast for me;
place in my hand the wonderful key that shall unclasp and set me free.
Silently now I wait for thee, ready, my God, thy will to see.
Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit Divine!
Open my ears, that I may hear voices of truth thou sendest clear;
and while the wave-notes fall on my ear, everything false will disappear.
Silently now I wait for thee, ready, my God, thy will to see.
Open my ears, illumine me, Spirit Divine!
Open my mouth, and let me bear gladly the warm truth everywhere;
open my heart and let me prepare love with thy children thus to share.
Silently now I wait for thee, ready, my God, thy will to see.
Open my heart, illumine me, Spirit divine!“
Clara H. Scott (1841-1897) provides us with a hymn of consecration that has been sung for over 100 years. The text of “Open My Eyes” was written in 1895 shortly before Scott’s death. Each stanza reveals an increasing receptiveness to the “Spirit divine.” Open eyes lead to “glimpses of truth.” Open ears lead to “voices of truth.” An open mouth leads to sharing the “warm truth everywhere.” An open heart leads to sharing “love to thy children.” This week, we will be using a Praise Singers video recorded in 2021.
Sing along with the choir at First United Methodist Church in Valdosta, Georgia at:
“All I Have”
“All I have I give to Jesus, all I am and all I hope to be.
There is nothing that I could give Him that would repay His gift of love to me.
All my praise I give to Jesus, ev’ry song I have to sing.
Through His name I live victorious, as I proclaim Him as my Lord and King.
Take my life and all it is; make it more completely yours.
Fill me now that I may live in your love forevermore.
Use me Lord, to do your Kingdom’s work; in your plan, Lord, let me have a part.
Make each day I live a tribute Lord, let your Spirit overflow my heart.
Help me find a place of service Lord, that I may show the way of truth.
All I am and all I hope to be, Lord, I give it all to you…”
This week’s anthem was written by Stan Pethel in 1995. The words express our commitment to live our lives in the service of Jesus. The anthem was recorded in fall 2020.
“Take My Gifts” (tune VU #460)
“Take my gifts and let me love you, God who first of all loved me.
Gave me light and food and shelter, gave me life and set me free,
Now because your love has touched me, I have love to give away.
Now the bread of love is rising, loaves of love to multiply!
Take whatever I can offer – gifts that I have yet to find,
Skills that I am slow to sharpen, talents of the hand and mind,
Things made beautiful for others in the place where I must be:
Take my gifts and let me love you, God who first of all loved me.”
The words for our closing hymn were written by Shirley Erena Murray (1992). We will be using the tune HOLY MANNA, written by William Moore (1825) and arranged by David Kai in 1994.
“Lead Me, Lord”
“Lead me, Lord, I will follow.
Lead me, Lord, I will go.
You have called me, I will answer.
Lead me, Lord, I will go.”
Our benediction response was written by Wayne and Elizabeth Goodine in 1994. As we come to the end of worship, we once again make our commitment to follow Jesus throughout the coming week. This week we will be using a recording made by the Harmony Singers in November 2021.
Categories: General News, Notes on the Notes, Worship
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