Notes on the Notes – June 4, 2023

Trinity Sunday

This week’s music:

“We Are One” (VU #402)

“We are one as we come, as we come, joyful to be here,
In the praise on our lips there’s a sense that God is near.
We are one as we sing, as we seek, we are found;
And we come needful of God’s grace as we meet, together in this place.

We are one as we share; as we share brokenness and fear,
In the touch of a hand there’s a sense that God is here.
We are one as we care, as we heal, we are healed;
And we share warmth in God’s embrace as we pray together in this place.

We are one as we feast, as we feast, peace becomes the sign;
In the bread and the wine there’s a sense of love divine.
We are one as we come, as we feed, we are fed;
And we feel God’s refreshing grace as we meet at table in this place.

We are one as we hear, as we hear, heart and hand unite;
In the word we receive there’s a sense that God is light.
We are one as we leave, as we love, we are loved;
And we seek justice in God’s ways as we move together from this place.”

The tune for this hymn was composed in 1987 by Jeeva Sam of Regina, SK, a United Church minister.  The arrangement is by another United Church minister, David Kai, of Gloucester Ontario (1995) . Written especially for the music, the hymn text comes to us from a third United Church minister, Doreen Lankshear-Smith of Thunder Bay. The words remind us of our common journey as a faith community.   Hear the tune at:

“The Play of the Godhead”

“The play of the Godhead, the Trinity’s dance,
Embraces the earth in a sacred romance:
With God the Creator, and Christ the true Son,
Entwined with the Spirit, a web daily spun
In spangles of myst’ry the great Three-in-One.

The warm mists of summer, cool waters that flow,
Turn crystal as ice when the wintry winds blow.
The taproot that nurtures, the shoot growing free,
The life-giving fruit, full and ripe on the tree:
More mystic and wondrous, the great One-in-Three.

In God’s gracious image of coequal parts,
We gather as dancers, uniting our hearts.
Men, women, and children, and all living things,
We join in the round of bright nature that rings
With rapture and rhythm: Creation now sings!”

This week’s anthem was written by Mary Louise Bringle in 2000 and can be found in More Voices (#43).  The music was written by Robert J. Batastini in 2003.   The lyrics explore the theme of seeing the Trinity of God in the natural world.

“Body, Mind and Spirit” (MV #153)

“Body, mind and spirit, holy, earthly trinity,
Joy of God, Creator, life lived abundantly.

Body, mind and spirit, challenged, battered by earth’s ills,
Know that Christ rest with in us, and stormy water stills.

Body, mind and spirit, nurtured in community,
Prayer, concert, loving action, faithful humanity.

Body, mind and spirit, in God’s image born to be.
Sing, rejoice in life most sacred. Revel in mystery.”

The words and music for this hymn were written by Margaret Motum of Oshawa, Ontario and offer another dimension of the Trinity.

“What Can I Do?” (MV #191)

“What can I do?  What can I bring?
What can I say?  What can I sing?
I’ll sing with joy.  I’ll say a prayer.
I’ll bring my love.  I’ll do my share”

This joyful song of offering and dedication was written by Paul Rumbolt and Michele McCarthy (2005). The arrangement in More Voices is by Alan C. Whitmore. We will be using it as our offering response for the month of June.

“Go, Make a Difference” (MV #209)

“Go make a difference.  We can make a difference.  Go make a difference in the world.
Go make a difference.  We can make a difference.  Go make a difference in the world.

We are the salt of the earth, called to let the people see the love of God for you and me.
We are the light of the world, not to be hidden but be seen.  Go make a difference in the world.

We are the hands of Christ reaching out to those in need, the face of God for all to see.
We are the spirit of hope;  we are the voice of peace.  Go make a difference in the world.

So let your love shine on, let it shine for all to see.  Go make a difference in the world.
And the spirit of Christ will be with us as we go.  Go make a difference in the world.

Go make a difference.  We can make a difference.  Go make a difference in the world.
Go make a difference.  We can make a difference.  Go make a difference in the world.”

This lively song enthusiastically sends us out to carry our faith into the world.  It was written by Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek in 1997.   The words reinforce the message from the gospel of Matthew.

Watch Steve Angrisano singing the song at:

“A Benediction”  

“May the grace of Christ attend us,
And the love of God surround us,
And the Holy Spirit keep us,
Now and ever, always.
Amen, amen, forever and ever,

Our benediction response was written by Jeeva Sam.

Thank you to members of the Worship Choir for providing music leadership for this service.

Categories: Notes on the Notes