Notes on the Notes – November 7, 2021

Remembrance Day – Communion
This Week’s Music:
“When Quiet Peace is Shattered” (VU #615)
“When quiet peace is shattered by dreadful noise of war,
And we are bruised and battered by fighting’s constant roar;
Lord, break the silence of your word and let your healing voice be heard.
O let your healing voice be heard.
When troubles still our love-song, and fear beats hard within,
When anger drowns the dove’s song, and life’s a noisy din,
Lord, break the silence of your word and let your healing voice be heard.
O let your healing voice be heard.
When clashing wills divide us, and hearts refuse to mend,
When feelings scream inside us, and agonies won’t end,
Lord, break the silence of your word and let your healing voice be heard.
O let your healing voice be heard.”
The text for this hymn is by Mary Nelson Keithahn and the music is by her colleague, John Horman. They are both from South Dakota. The hymn is a plea for God, in times of conflict, to “break the silence of your word and let your healing voice be heard.”
“Peace for the Children” (MV #149)
“Peace for the children, peace, peace.
Peace for the children we pray.
Following the path of One of peace,
We work for healing, we work for peace;
Peace for the children today.

by Anshi from Bangladesh
Peace for the nations…
Peace for our planet…”
The words and music for this song are by Doreen Lankshear Smith (1993). It was arranged by David Abramsky in 1998. We will be using 3 verses of the hymn this week.
“Song of Peace”
“If I could have one wish come true,
It would be peace for me and you.
Peace in our hearts and peace of mind;
Peace now and ever for all mankind.
So may our voices never cease;
So may we sing our songs of peace.
Dona nobis pacem…”
This week’s anthem is an arrangement by George L.O. Strid of original content by Mary Donnelly with the traditional round “Dona Nobis Pacem.” The words “dona nobis pacem” mean “grant us peace.”
“Put Peace Into Each Other’s Hands” (MV #173)
“Put peace into each other’s hands and like a treasure hold it,
Protect it like a candle flame, with tenderness enfold it.
Put peace into each other’s hands with loving expectation;
Be gentle in your words and ways, in touch with God’s creation.
Reach out in friendship, stay with faith in touch with those around you.
Put peace into each other’s hands; the Peace that sought and found you.”
This hymn with words by Fred Kaan and lyrics by Ron Klusmeier was first published in 2004. The original title was “Hands Shaped Like a Cradle.” The hymn is often used for interfaith worship or communion. This week we will be using the first, second and fifth verses.
“Bread for the Journey” (MV #202)
“Bread for the journey, food for the way.
Cup of God’s blessing, tomorrow, today.”
Our benediction response was written by Bruce Harding in 2000.
Categories: Notes on the Notes, Sunday Bulletin and Announcements, Worship
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