Opportunities for Involvement at Windsor Park United Church!

Vendors needed!

Our Craft Sale will be taking place on Saturday, November 26th. If you know of someone who would like to book a table or for more information/application form please call the church office at 204-256-8792.

And don’t forget to support our Craft Sale by stopping by to shop!

Volunteers needed!

Our Cookie Walk is back on Saturday, December 3 from 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

We need volunteers for the following dates:
Friday, December 2 –  pre-sale tray preparation
Saturday, December 3 –  from 9 a.m. through clean-up in various jobs during the Cookie Walk.

To volunteer for either date, please call the church office or sign up on the sign up sheets at the church.

***We also really need COOKIES and are inviting all who are able to please bake cookies for the Cookie Walk! We are looking for donations of 6-10 dozen cookies per person.  The more cookies we have, the better! (More information about drop-off times to follow)

For inspiration, go to:  https://funcookierecipes.com/basic-cookie-dough-recipe/

Do you love the music of Advent & Christmas?  Join the Worship Choir for the Advent season and/or Christmas Eve! Practices are on Thursday evenings from 7:30-9:15 p.m. starting November 17th. Everyone is welcome! For more information talk to Laura at church or email laura.wpuc@gmail.com


The delivery of “Thinking of You” baskets is a long-standing tradition at Windsor Park United Church.  These baskets are delivered to folks who may need a little pick-me-up at this time of the year.

You can help by contributing small treats or comfort items for the baskets (such as wrapped candies, home baking, individual packets of hot chocolate, cup-a-soup, etc).  Items can be dropped off at the church during office hours. Volunteers will be needed to pack the baskets as well as to deliver them (week of December 4-9). Watch for more information to follow.



Christmas Hampers – This year our Outreach Council will be packing and delivering 12 hampers for individuals and families in need.

Packing will take place on Friday, December 9 from 9-12 and Saturday, December 10 (from 9-11).

Delivery of hampers will take place on Saturday, Dec. 10 from 10 a.m.-noon.

Please contact Gwen (gpolak@mymts.net) if you are able to help out!



We will again be collecting new or gently used mittens, gloves, scarves, neck-warmers, socks, toques and ear muffs for our Mitten Tree!  Please watch for updates in Advent when the Mitten Tree will go up at the church.  Especially needed are waterproof mitts!  The mitten tree will be up through the season of Advent.



Donations Needed!

The Outreach Council welcomes donations to go toward buying items for the Christmas Hampers (predicted cost is $1,400). Contributions can be dropped off at the church during office hours or placed in your offering envelope.  Please write “Christmas Hampers” on your envelope.  Thank you!

Children/Middle Years Books are very popular and are needed on an ongoing basis for our Little Free Library!  If you would like to donate these types of books please drop them off at the church and we will add them to the Little Free Library as needed.


SLEEP IN HEAVENLY PEACE  – On November 20, 2022 at our Sunday morning worship service, Jim Thiessen from “Sleep in Heavenly Peace” will speak at our church. We have supported “Sleep in Heavenly Peace” before and it will be wonderful to hear Jim Thiessen speak about the work the group does. Donations of new bedding to fit a single (twin) bed of 39” (e.g., sheets, blankets, pillows, etc.) would be welcome.

Categories: General News