Recognition of 40 years of Service of AOTS
On Sunday, June 17, 2018, WPUC honoured 40 years of service by our men’s group, the AOTS.
A little history:
AOTS (As One That Serves) began in 1977 here at Windsor Park United Church. How do you encapsulate 40 years of history in a short presentation – I thank Bob Harrison, Cam Wilson and Major Rodd for their help. We met the 4th Monday of each month, with a BBQ in May of each year. Like many clubs, we recessed in June, July and August. Our meetings consisted, like most clubs, with an order of business – Frank Hemming would open with grace, followed by dinner served by our UCW (United Church Women) and YAH (Young at Heart) groups. This was their fund raiser. We then had many interesting speakers touching on current affairs and various subjects. This was followed by a business meeting and then we ended with scripture and prayer.
Our various activities-
Valentine Luncheon for members and wives and our widows of members that had passed on. Our widows were also invited to our annual BBQ in May. As a thank you to our UCW, we invited them to a roast beef dinner that the men totally looked after. David Kaan dressed in a tuxedo welcomed the ladies!!
As a club fund raiser, we brought “Country Blend” to our church, a Barber Shop Group and hosted other functions.
We gave monies to Agape Table, West Broadway Community Ministry & the Youth of our church including our Sunday School. AOTS members have also been very active at West Broadway, helping with lunch.
In recent years, Charlie Klein, Gordon Whyte and Bill McQuat chaired our meetings. Major Rodd, for many years, was our treasurer. Allan Stephen was our secretary.
Our club, because of age, terminated in December 2017 with funds allocated to our past charities.
Major Rodd has now started our group meeting for breakfast at Perkins the last Friday of each month. This is open to all men of our church.
Cam Wilson and Jim Raitt were original founding members and were still active members in 2017. AOTS Manitoba was part of a Canadian National United Church men’s group with the Head office in Toronto, Ontario.
– submitted by Gordon Whyte (2018)

AOTS men in attendance on June 17, 2018
Recognition of the AOTS ministry during worship on June 17:
We are all called to ministry in the world and these ministries are always changing and evolving. We recognize that as we change we are challenged to find new ways to live out our calls. We come together this morning to remember and honour all of the work that has blessed this community through the creation of, and ongoing work of, As One That Serves (AOTS). Through fellowship, community building, and giving, all who were involved in this group added to the life of this community in so many ways. We are here today to thank you God, for all of those who were a part of AOTS throughout the years and to thank them for their service to our community. They have been a blessing to us all. I would invite all of you who were a part of this group to please stand this morning as we offer prayer for all that you have given us, here at Windsor Park United Church.
Leader: O Holy One, for steadfast love,
All: we give thanks.
Leader: For the call to ministry in all of its forms,
All: we give thanks.
Leader: For AOTS and all those who found fellowship and ministry within this group,
All: we give thanks.
Leader: For the work of AOTS within this community and in the wider world,
All: we give you thanks.
Leader: For the blessing that AOTS has been to this community for the past 41 years,
All: we give you thanks and praise.
Leader: We rejoice together for the good work that was done in and through the ministry of AOTS – a ministry that we have shared – and we pray for blessing as we envision new ways to be in community and continue the work to which we are called as people of God.
All: Amen.
Thank you all for your work over the years and we look forward to what new ministries might come in the future.

Members of the AOTS Family in attendance on June 17, 2018
A Little More History – Article submitted by Charlie Klein for our 50th Anniversary in 2008
Windsor Park United Church AOTS club was formed in March 1977, under charter Number 783. The driving force behind starting the club was the new minister, Rev. Walter Cowan, who spent many evenings and days off in organizing and helping to

AOTS Mission/Purpose Statement 1982
nurture the men in the formation of the club. The charter members were: Al Church, Walter Cowan, Harry Goundry, Dennis Fletcher, Cliff Gorrell, Wayne Handford, Richard Konchak, Jim Raitt, George Stephen, Cam Wilson, Gordon Mathieson, Gordon McNabb, Mal McPhee, Charlie Milton, Park Munro, Clare Nesbitt, Harry Noakes, Russ Sime, Bob Wark, Bill Yurchack, for a total of twenty members.
Meeting are held monthly. Two of the founding members are still active and attending regularly, as well as the son of one of the founders. Our club now boasts a membership of twenty-six men. This is our 31st year of continuous service to the church and community.
Several projects within the church are continually supported, such as youth work, Riverview Health Centre and visitations to many church members. AOTS helps deliver food hampers at Christmas and assists with the West Broadway Food Bank. We participated in a district-wide celebration of National AOTS’s 85th year of church service by hosting a series of lectures and workshops in our church in September 2008.
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