Trash to Treasure

Did you know we collect the following?

Bread Bag Date Tabs – These are passed on to St. Martyrs church and used in crafts to raise funds for wheelchairs in Third World countries.  Deposit in the corner drawer in the back of the Sanctuary.

Aluminum Pop Cans – (preferably squished flat)  These are passed on to the Shriners to help fun travel for sick children from the North.  Deposit in the large bin in the upstairs kitchen.

Eye Glasses – These are passed on to optometrists, then forwarded to Third World countries.  Deposit in the corner drawer in the back of the Sanctuary.

Aluminum Pop Can Tabs – These are passed on to Holy Cross where they are redeemed for wheel chairs.  Deposit in the corner drawer in the back of the Sanctuary.

Campbell Labels – Soups – Broths – Sauces – These are redeemed for items used in the church (Bible Adventures, Youth Group).  Deposit in the corner drawer in the back of the Sanctuary.

Used Postage Stamps – These are passed on to The Bible Society to provide funds for the purchase of Bibles.  Remove the corner with stamps from the envelope.  We also have a stamp collector who uses some of the stamps.  Deposit in the corner drawer in the back of the Sanctuary.

Blankets for MB (for the needy, hospitals and nursing homes) – Blankets are knitted by several of our members.  Wool may be dropped off at the church and left with Luci in the office.

Various people look after these projects, counting and delivering them.  By setting any of these items aside and bringing them to church you are benefitting others!



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