Worship Choir Starts This Week!

Do you enjoy singing and want to have “faith-ful fun” with a great group of people who share your love of music? Do you want to help our congregation connect to God by leading music and sharing “sermons in song?”
The Worship Choir, under the direction of Laura Steidl, will be practicing on Thursday evenings and leads the music in worship on Sunday.
The first Worship Choir practice is on Thursday, Sept. 22nd from 8-9 p.m.
This group has been on hiatus during the pandemic, so we are looking forward to welcoming everyone back! From “just learning to sing” to “lots of experience” – if you like to sing, we have a place for you! Get in on the ground floor as we restart the Worship Choir!
Also needed:
Sound, Projection and Live Stream technicians
We are needing a few people to help with the tech parts of worship (camera set-up, monitoring/camera switching during livestream services, running the powerpoint, camera take-down). If you would like your name added to the list, please let Laura know at laura.wpuc@gmail.com or call Sue at the office (204-256-8792) We will teach you everything you need to know. Time commitment varies, but would likely be Sunday mornings from 9:45-11:45 a.m. as you are able.
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