Worship Service – February 12, 2023

Sixth Sunday of Epiphany

“Rules and Regulations” 

Thank you for joining us! 

This Week’s Worship Team is: Rev. Patrick Woodbeck, Laura Steidl and The Worship Choir.

Click below for a recording of this week’s livestream service:


See the bulletin at:  Bulletin

To learn more about the service music, please visit Notes on the Notes

As we move forward in our process of finding a new minister, you are asked to contribute your thoughts to “What is Most Important about Windsor Park United Church?”
Please limit your comments to 3 main ideas about what you feel is important about the life and work of our church. 

Everyone may contribute!

Please send your thoughts to office@windsorparkunitedchurch.com so that they can be shared with our Community of Faith Profile Committee.

Monday, February 13 is the deadline for submissions for our next Southwinds!

The Southwinds is an opportunity to share church news!

As well, the theme for this edition of the Southwinds is “Collections/Hobbies.” Many of you have very interesting hobbies or collect some very intriguing items or volunteer in very creative activities. We would like to know what you enjoy doing with your spare time. We would love to see pictures of your collections, etc.  Please send your submissions via email to office@windsorparkunitedchurch.com.

*Please note that tax receipts for donations for 2022 are now available at church on Sunday morning or drop by during office hours this week!

If you have found meaning and comfort from our online services, please consider supporting the life and work of Windsor Park United Church. 

To donate, please:

Call the church office at 204-256-8792 to e-transfer your donation,

Mail in/drop off your donation at the church:
Windsor Park United Church
1062 Autumnwood Drive
Winnipeg, MB R2J 1C7

or visit Canada Helps at: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/m/47090/donation 

To view previous services, click on the Worship tab above or visit our YouTube channel by clicking the link at the bottom of the page.

Join us next week for the last week of Epiphany,
Transfiguration Sunday!

Categories: General News, Online Services, Worship